Responses from geoffkait
Digital vs Vinyl: The winner is ?? And where did he buy that suit? | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic That’s geoffkait. Please don’t feel obliged to respond to every single one of my posts. Although your philosophizing and whole backstory is quite humorous. I’ll grant you that.🤡 | |
How does a Transport effect sound? I love generalizations. Like “all of these tweaks can be measured.” And “They are not that significant.” 🤡 I am also quite fond of marketing prose. | |
How does a Transport effect sound? Systems engineer. Exactly! Not a scientist. Bean counter. | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic Disappeared from the internet? Whoa! I didn’t think anything ever really disappeared. It’s still out there on some server somewhere. Space is not really an issue on the internet. 🤡 now how to search, that’s an interesting subject. - your humble sc... | |
Timbernation Platform Problems You got that right, Bubba. I just did a customer’s entire system for less than $250. | |
Takes one to know one Oh, in that case I’m a big classical music fan. Especially Schubert. 🤡 | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic Youse guys are gonna love this. friend and humble scribe,Geoff Kait | |
Digital vs Vinyl: The winner is ?? I did not know that. | |
How does a Transport effect sound? You forgot to add, “unlike myself.” Tee hee | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic Let’s see. Mapman and Wolfman couldn’t find it. That must mean it doesn’t exist. If micro arcing didn’t exist would man have to invent it? 😳 | |
Mapleshade Isolation: Does Nothing? I would have thought it makes the sound more transparent. 🤡 | |
Timbernation Platform Problems I had the same thing happen 10 or 12 years ago. I had to send the whole order back. I didn’t do that again. | |
How does a Transport effect sound? I would be quite interested in hearing from anyone who uses tweaks when ripping from a CD. You know, colored CDs, colored tray, demagnetization, edge beveling, ionizers, Silver Rainbow Foil, insuring the CD is absolutely level, things of that natu... | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic Uh, we’ve already covered this ground some time ago when I mentioned that the product reminds me of Total Recall and Contact. Hel-loo! Superconductor would have been a better name by the way, don’t you think? |