

Responses from geoffkait

Synergestic Black Fuse vs Audio Magic BeesWax
Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead! 🛥 Don’t let the mossbacks, backsliders and knuckledraggers drag you down. There is a perfectly good reason why low energy electrons can’t get to the next higher electron shell. It was a valid question in the O... 
Conditioning/Burn-In Method
Addendum: for breaking in the speaker drivers and surrounds making speakers out of phase to each other and facing each other would be very <effective> since they would be <physically> exercised the most. But not (rpt not) because they ... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Dread Zeppelin UN-LED-ED. Digital remaster Japan. Includes their cover of Woodstock. Can’t wait. I did not know this but each member has his own symbol. One symbol is cheese. Another is a cheeseburger. 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
My system doesn’t have negative. I’m not on house AC. Oh, geez, now what am I supposed to do? 🤡 Carbon fiber comes in sheets, too, as fate would have it. Gosh, wonder what that’s for?  
Timbernation Platform Problems
Oh, they (negative comments) are out there, alright. Try searching archives at Audio Asylum, for example. You’ll get an earful.  
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Correcto mundo! https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/carbon-fibre-sleeve-over-existing-cabling-incredible?highligh... 
Conditioning/Burn-In Method
Are you sure? If the speakers were out of phase with each other and faced each other wouldn’t they reinforce each other? One would push when the other pulled, as it were.  If they were in the same phase each would constrain the motion of the other. 
Timbernation Platform Problems
Timbernation has long history of disgruntled customers. This is only the tip of the iceberg. I’m not sure if it all started with the tragic death of his daughter in an auto accident 15 years ago, but that probably didn’t help. In any case he seems... 
Digital vs Vinyl: The winner is ??
Positive drug test for Russian curler? Whoa! Is curling even a sport? 
How does a Transport effect sound?
One wonders if anyone has ever considered going pleisiochronous?  
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
So, any of you guys try the carbon fiber sleeve tweak yet? Or are you still resting on your laurels? Waiting for week 4 or week 8? Have you finally found what you’re looking for? Your final resting place, as it were? 🤠 
I think I've Just Seen Absolute Proof That Audiophiles Are Insanely Gullible
mceljoI was just chatting with a friend of mine today about some audiophile products that could easily be marketed with similar pseudoscience to what many products currently have.>>>>>Have any examples?Without stepping on too many t... 
I think I've Just Seen Absolute Proof That Audiophiles Are Insanely Gullible
You ain’t seen nothing yet. Check out the ULTRA internal speaker wiring upgrade from Von Schweikert. Various options available.https://www.vonschweikert.com/ultra-internal-wire-upgrade 
How does a Transport effect sound?
Uh, the interface problem is eliminated but not the jitter. NOPPO! 
Timbernation Platform Problems
An inexpensive alternative to wood is Bluestone, a granite-like outdoor paving stone sold at many Home Depot stores. The advantages/physical characteristics of Bluestone are extreme hardness, very high mass and extreme stiffness. I suggest a size ...