Responses from geoffkait
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic mapmanGk go smear some free goop you get grouchy if not kept busy. Settle down, young man. Take a time out. Idle hands are the devil’s workshop. 👹 He not busy being born is busy dying. | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic Mapman, get a life. | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic moopman, I have a nagging suspicion the only reason you want a sample of TC is so you can complain over and over again how you can’t hear it and it must be a hoax. I’ve seen that movie before. Is that wrong of me? 😳Is there something wrong with yo... | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic 🐑mapmanAs usual, nothing useful from GK. Can I save the $10 and get a free sample like you? I’m sure you are getting your money's worth there.Just one of perks I enjoy as an audio insider, Moops. 😀 | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic mapmanSo Geoffkait, in your scientific estimation then, is there actually intact one atom thick sheets of Graphene in there somehow that survive when shmeared or something else, some other form of carbon perhaps? If Graphene, how might that be pul... | |
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD toetapaudioI don’t know who more weird out of you two...😂Uh, are you looking in the mirror? 👀 | |
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic I traded a customer for a small dollop and also got a free sample from perfectpath. Was that wrong of me? | |
Cryongenically treated in-wall AC power wire There have been some credible reports over the years from people saying they don’t like the sound of cryo. On the other hand, a great many more have reported they DO like the sound of cryo. So, it’s not like the issue is split 50/50%. Thus, it’s p... | |
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable 🐑gdhal@geoffkait You’re late. Remember to put what’s in thy back pocket where thy keyboard is. Trouble is of course, if thy back pocket consists of proceeds from a business that deals in voodoo, thy back pocket is liable to be empty. Would you con... | |
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable dynaquest4@teo_audioI had no idea you were so wise.Writing a passage using clever words and phrases does not a wise man make. Especially when said passage makes so little sense.>>>>Sometimes tis best to remain silent and thought a foo... | |
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable @teo_audo (to gdhal) I will do you the solid of telling you that it exists, so that you might go on and find it on your own, but I won't give it to you, as that information is valuable. Hard fought for, in most cases. Right on. Never give a sucker... | |
Oppo to cease production -- Announced yesterday... Good! The CDs and cassettes for me. 😀 | |
Cryongenically treated in-wall AC power wire Cryogenics is the portal to the really advanced stuff which unfortunately I can’t talk about here. Maybe in the future. You know, the unspeakable. | |
Oppo Ceasing production Oppo successfully nailed down the entry level and bang for the buck categories for many years. | |
Have you ever hated the sound of your system one day, and loved it the next? Auchentoshan?Geshunheit! |