

Responses from geoffkait

Some of the Worst Offenders in Bad Audio Forum Behavior Are Not Regular Forum Members
Go bother some other audio forum. We have our own fish to fry. 🐟 🐟 🐟 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
No offense to you personally, gdhal, but you’ve made it abundantly clear you haven’t the slightest idea what “directionality” even means. This conversation can serve no porpoise anymore. 🐬 Ta ta! 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Yup, puddin’. Haven’t you been paying attention? Wire is wire, whether it’s a fuse or a cable. They’re all di-rec-shun-al. I used the example of fuses because it’s easy to grasp. Cough, cough... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Bin there dun that! When one checks for directionality of fuses he doesn’t know which way is the right way, so it’s essentially blind. All one needs to do is listen. Also if there are many fuses in the system one must pay attention whilst flipping... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Obviously anyone can cherry pick user testimonials and find some somewhere that agree with you. Or just make it up, who’s gonna know, right? And ignore the testimonials that don’t agree with your foregone conclusions. It’s the oldest ploy in the p... 
One of the best HDMI cable?
Wow! Costco-emoji, all this time here and you still don’t know what the term directionality means? Get with the program! Think of it as just like directionality in fuses in the AC circuit or directionality in AC power cords. Directionality applies... 
Cable Snake Oil Antidote
The good studios use expensive cables. You know, like high end studios. Mid Fi studios use Mogami or whatever. Case solved. Now I’m laughing. 😀 
Cable Snake Oil Antidote
Actually good microphones and their associated cables are very expensive.  
One of the best HDMI cable?
I would not say the cost is an overriding factor but I would not buy an inexpensive HDMI cable, meaning the ones sold in Target. I bought an Audioquest Carbon HDMI Cable used for a hundred bucks used and it’s fabulous. The Carbon like the other hi... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Die Walkure - Keilberth, MĂśdl, Varnay, Vinay, Hotter, Greindl, Bayreuth 1955. Sweet! 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Whoa! What? Geez, it’s getting deep in here. Need my hip waders. Good luck with all that. Get out much? Finally, someone who gdhal can relate to on his level. 👨‍🚀 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
@gdhal, I’m pretty sure a nice long cold shower will help get rid of what is apparently causing you considerable grief. If that’s doesn’t work consult your physician.  
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
cj1965" If the game is lost, then we're all the sameNo one left to place or take the blame " - gdhal quoting Bob Weir (yes, the Grateful Dead Bob....)some more from "wise old" Bob... - " Full of hope, full of grace, is the human faceBut afraid, w... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
Did you come up with that all by yourself? Now you can have the last word. I promise. 
Isolation stands: snakeoil?
There’s a lot to be said for very massive granite slab type set ups in terms of resistance to bending forces and plain old inertia. Yet, the fact remains the entire house is vibrating according to the local seismic type forces like traffic, subway...