Responses from geoffkait
Aftermarket Fuses Wolfie, if you’re pretending to be dumb you’re doing an excellent job. | |
Cable Burn In profFor instance the link to claims by cable purveyors regarding break in.First of all, going to the people who seem to be making dubious or controversial claims for products they sell might not be the best place to get objective information on ca... | |
Aftermarket Fuses Is it just me or does the pro audio and the audio industry in general seem to be very slow? Slow to understand the significance of a lot of the things that are obviously high end audio things. But still, you’d think they would be motivated by some... | |
Cable Burn In Ah, the old pro audio vs high end audio disconnect rears it’s ugky head. This is what happens when one segment of the industry stoves pipes. I.e., develops a set of concepts and products without paying attention to what’s going on in other segment... | |
Aftermarket Fuses Finally, one of the pseudo skeptics understands how big, how global and how coordinated the fuse conspiracy is. Shadorne is a genius. | |
Cable Burn In It’s always a treat when one pseudo skeptic pats another pseudo skeptic on the fanny. | |
Cable Burn In I just filed your response under Whatever. It’s not necessarily a good debate strategy to agree with me that your statement is false. 😀 | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? cd318Cable debates do have a certain sporting value. There may be no winners or losers but the fun is in taking part. >>>>I don’t imagine the fish in the barrel think it’s very sporting. But, hey, I’m not a fish psychologist. Are fish ... | |
Cable Burn In Break in is like cryogenic treatment and directionality. Everyone does it but nobody talks about it. Settle-in is a term most often used to mean reestablishing the delicate electrical mechanical interface once a Cable has been pulled and reconnect... | |
Cable Burn In n80 OPgeoffkait, it seems rather one sided to demand both subjective and scientific proof from shadone in regard to minor tweaks which by definition would be....minor.... And in fact, it really isn’t logical at all to demand "subjective evidence".... | |
The Legendary ? Infinity IRS V I was at some big audio show n Washington DC or Arlington musta been around 1982 when there was a big demo of the Latest Audio Research Tube electronics and the monster Infinity Reference V using a super duper reel to reel tape deck and master tap... | |
Cable Burn In shadorneIt’s a mad mad world. Some audiophiles will believe any tomfoolery that any tomfool cares to invent. It’s a mugs game for the unscrupulous who spend hours here promulgating “fear marketing” that says folks are not getting the best out of t... | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? It’s not that difficult to see from calvinj’s point of view there is no debate. He made that pretty clear in his somewhat baiting OP. That’s why the OP was all caps. I’m sure calvinj thanks all those who took the bait. 🤡 By the way, there is no di... | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? kqvkq9I’ve never heard any difference at any time in reasonably constructed cables.>>>>Hey, that’s the way it goes sometime. Have you considered ear candling? 🕯 | |
Aftermarket Fuses Stalker alert! Mapman, why is your nose purple? |