

Responses from geoffkait

Cable Burn In
93rubyzAsk yourself this question -- after the "burn in" what physically has changed in that cable?>>>>>>How can you physically tell that a cable has been cryogenically treated? 
Cable Burn In
n80 OPgeoffkait, when I said that you were always asking for proof you said:Can you show me an example of what you’re referring to? So I scrolled up a few posts where you said, and I quote:Finally, do you have ANY evidence to support either of tho... 
calvinjAlso the more your system is worth it allows you to put in and justify better cabl8ng and power cords. For some it’s nutty but our systems allow us to hear the difference. That’s all. It putting people down but if you can’t tell me what kit... 
Cable Burn In
n80 OPSo, geoffkait, you’re always asking for people who disagree with you to supply some sort of proof to support their opinions.>>>>>Really? Can you show me an example of what you’re referring to? Oh, is this what you mean by aski... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Thank goodness for small miracles. Your rude comments immediately followed my post. I’m not a mind reader. 
Cable Burn In
Speaking of John Atkinson, editor Stereophile magazine, he also believes blind testing is unreliable and is prone to error from all sides. He, like your humble scribe, did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday. 🚚https://www.stereophile.com/featu... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
lpretiringWith apologies to everyone on this thread, I will make my final comment on the subject of the moment.I find it most interesting how people on both sides of the fence speak in absolute terms when IMHO no living human being has definitive ... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Tommy, are you stupid or something? I wasn’t attacking anybody’s religion, or mocking someone’s religious beliefs, whatever. I was mocking Frank - and by extension Tim - for using Jesus and devine inspiration to sell a product. Remember, Perfect P... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
I’m just a little jealous. I wish I had thought of this before, using religion to sell controversial tweaks. Automatic customer base. Bingo! I’m all set up, you know, with Flying Saucers, Quantum Temple Bell, Teleportation Tweak, Re-animator CD St... 
calvinj@geoffkait I’m not showing off by telling you what my gear is and how much I paid for it. No disrespect but not knowing what gear you running I’m a lot less inclined to value what you say. That’s just my opinion. I don’t know what basevleve... 
Hey, no problem. I’m friends with Keyser Soze. 
What time do you wear?
Casio G Shock Triple Crown of Surfing, North Shore, Hawaii 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Yes, Frank, you took the bait swimmingly. 🐟 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
On second thought, that’s the dumbest thing I ever heard. No offense. ⚡️⚡️⚡️ 
calvinj@geoffkait what does your system consists of. I’ve seen all these comments but don’t know your system. >>>>What’s the difference? What good would it do you to know my system? It certainly wouldn’t change my comments. I’m not a b...