Responses from geoffkait
Best tube dampers that you have used mg16I would not use them unless I had some microphonics from the tube gear that I could not deal with. I am happy with the sound I am currently achieving in my room, so I won’t F with a good thing.>>>The interesting thing about the Herbie... | |
Deleted Threads by Admin?? Frank is like the Energizer bunny. He just keeps going and going and... 🐇 | |
Annoying sounds from cars at stop light Alternative explanation: the poor guy upstairs or in the next apartment only hears the bass frequencies but not the rest of the frequencies. That’s why the sound is irritating, it’s just the thump, thump of the bass, not because the bass is amplif... | |
The Absolute Sound vs Stereophile Enid Lumley was too avant guard for her time. For ANY time. The mossbacks and backsliders will eat you alive. | |
Deleted Threads by Admin?? Everybody has to be somewhere. 😬 | |
Best tube dampers that you have used The king of the meat family for damping tubes of course is Hormel Spam, rolled into little rings, not too hard, not too soft. Just right. And the best part is when the meat is nice and done it makes a great Scooby snack. | |
High mass vs Low Mass Turntables - Sound difference? Huh? What? I never said Sorbothane only sounds good contstrained. What I said was Sorbothane always sounds bad, no matter what. If you can find any place where Sorbothane sounds good you are a genius and I congratulate you. Trust me, there are muc... | |
Any one try the new Synergistic Research BLUE UEF Duplex receptacle? Don’t be too alarmed, labtec is a known SR hater. It’s not like he’s a real person with real concerns. | |
Watts are watts? Good point! It’s the efficiency of the speakers. That’s why you only need 3 watts or whatever to drive horn speakers. Hopefully tube watts. | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? For a person to state that someone else knows all the physics, or knows the physics better than everyone else, you know, the players, he ( the person making the statement) would ALSO have to know all the physics, no? Otherwise he’s just being gull... | |
Filling speaker Stands? jrpnde OPWell....I am the OP of this thread. There have been many suggestions as to how to fill stands with small openings, what that fill should be, and to what level of fullness should be. I have learned a lot based on the experiences of many.My... | |
DO CABLES REALLY MATTER? tweak1WireWorld designer actually understands the physics and electrical properties that separates sonically great cables from the masses of mediocre cables, regardless of their pricing.Yeah, right. 🙄 | |
Best tube dampers that you have used If you look long and hard enough you can always find somebody who doesn’t hear it. - Old audiophile expression 😀 | |
Annoying sounds from cars at stop light soundsrealaudio wrote,"So here is a point I would like to make.I don't think those low frequency really travel through those walls in your home. I would offer this, the waves from the driver hit the wall, they cause the wall to vibrate/resonate a... | |
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord? Difference between a schlemiel and schlimazel: At a fancy diner party the schlemiel is the one who spills the soup at the table. The schlimazel is the one he spills it on. |