

Responses from geoffkait

Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
I shop at The Gap.  
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
grannyring, just to close the loop, there are no gaps in the science of the age of the Earth, the Earth’s formation or the Big Bang. We know exactly how big the Universe is and it’s rare of expansion. We also know there’s a big monster black hole ... 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
I know you are but what am I? 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
grannyring, I have no idea what you’re referring to. Can you give me some hints? 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
Whoa! What? What major gaps in science are you referring to? I don’t like gaps. Gaps and Geoff clash. Whatcha got, grannyring? Anything?  
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
pbnaudio@geoffkait Well finally you admit you don't have a system powered up - oh wait - let me guess your system works on teleportation power and signal transfer ? >>>>I’ve already said too much.  
What will become of my beloved CDs?
dweller@elizabeth - Your scenario reminds me of the SETI organization and their search for extra terrestrial radio signals. If a civilization is a million years ahead of you, MAYBE they use a communication protocol you don’t understand (compare an... 
Oppo 105 D vs. DAC-transport combination.
Ideally the big advantage of the compact disc was its signal to noise ratio and dynamic range which all things being equal is much higher than what the best turntable can deliver. Let’s say 60 dB for analog and 90 dB for compact disc/player. That’... 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
elizabethGeoff, Do you have a favorite cable brand? Mine is Kimber, with a helping of Cardas. (I tend to dislike AQ due to some failures of insulation on some Midnight years back, and then a AQ record mat that became a goo record killer if any LP ... 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
What’s with all the left-over 80s dudes? There isn’t really any controversy any longer but I have to admit it’s a real good opportunity to play Sniper, Stalker and Whack-a-mole, you know, games like that. 
Foil damping tape as a tonearm tube wrap?
Unless the turntable is properly isolated the cartridge, tonearm, platter etc. is subject to very low frequency seismic vibration. The tonearm, like the cartridge and platter, is susceptible to seismic vibration in the 10-12 Hz region, which is it... 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
Three more ways to improve the cables you have.1. Send them to the cryo lab pronto. Even if they were cryod at the factory, which most high cables are.2. Establish which direction is the best direction. 3. Burn them in on a burn in device or a bur... 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
The audiophile’s dream. 
Does hearing the best in high end audio make your opinions more valid?
Live acoustic music is a mixed bag at best. I would say a well put together, tweaked and tuned audio system is more reliable as a point of reference. A suffiently large high power all tube Class A System with regulated everything and isolated ever... 
How to tell if a CD is Encoded?
Myth vs Truth, DSD and PCMhttps://www.mojo-audio.com/blog/dsd-vs-pcm-myth-vs-truth/