

Responses from geoffkait

Is It Possible?
Quad 57s shine if, and that’s a big if, you’re willing to remove the heavy metal grills, remove the plastic dust covers, place the Quads on Arcicci stands and replace the stock power cords. Removing the entire electronics package in each speaker a... 
blue jeans cable?
I wouldn’t be too sure. To whit,Aerodynamics:The cropped F-22 delta wings generate greater static drag than the MiG-29’s tapered swept wings, there is a good reason they aren’t used on non-stealth fighters. Another major aerodynamic difference is ... 
Replacing fuse
No. Lord of the Flies. Or was it The Fly? Oh, never mind. 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
Faint heart ne’er won fair maiden.  
Is there actually a difference?
abrew19"Any yutz with ears can hear the difference between an amplifier before and after vibration isolation. Well, maybe not the bullet headed dude from Audio Review."Do you mean Julian Hirsch from Stereo Review?Audio Review. Stereo Review. Who e... 
Replacing fuse
I don’t know but I have a feeling you’re going to tell me. 😛 
Is there actually a difference?
Proved over and over in double blind tests? Then I guess it must be true. Question: Why did they have to do the blind tests over and over again? Weren’t they convinced by the first test? 😳 
Mytek slams Hypex in Stereophile Amp Review
Thanks, I can be very becoming. 
Talk but not walk?
Charlie Brown, Charlie BrownHe's a clown, that Charlie BrownHe's gonna get caught, just you wait and see(Why's everybody always pickin' on me?). 😢 
blue jeans cable?
I’m in a MIG-29 at 65,000. Be sure not to shoot yourself down. 
Replacing fuse
john421 OPThanks for all the input.As for the 30 day guarantee by the time you have fuses burned in enough to clearly hear a difference good or bad the grace period would probably be voided and be stuck with a fuse that wasn't a good match for the... 
Marantz SA-10 arriving Monday!
The Bright Star Little Rock and VPI Brick, as it turns out, were not competitors. On the other hand, once upon a time Barry of Bright Star and I were competitors, but not in a bad way. 
blue jeans cable?
Whoa! I’ll be on the lookout out for Immelmanns. 👀 
Musiclink cables sound better reversed
It depends on which is more important sonically, the shielding or the wire directionality. Assuming the interconnects are shielded. Some interconnects with arrows are unshielded. 
Is there actually a difference?
The blind test participants were a thoughtful looking group. 🤠