

Responses from geoffkait

Talk but not walk?
What kind of day was it? A day like all days that alter and illuminate our times with lots of good old fashion audiophile banter.  
Talk but not walk?
Oh, geez, just when you thought it couldn’t possibly get any weirder. Full moon fever. 🐺 
Talk but not walk?
Is there, like, a full moon or something today?Ah, ha! I see the moon is in full phase today. Just as a thought!  
Talk but not walk?
Oh, my! I always took analogluvr at his word, that he was just being an honest Devil’s advocate. 🤭 
Headphone cable, what do you do?
devilboyWhat’s my prize?>>>>I’m still thinking about the question. 😏 
Thiel CS2.4 to what?
Nice plug, very subtle. 
Talk but not walk?
analogluvrLol couple of great posts there guys, and you hit the nail on the head kosst. The thing is, unfortunately 99% of these guys have their mind made up and it’ll never change.>>>>Geez, look who’s talking. I Googled Close Minded ... 
Sound stage height??
Is there an echo in here? 🤗 
melbguyone, I wasn’t expecting you to answer them. I was pretty sure you were bluffing anyway. No biggie. Never mind.  
OK, I guess someone has to ask, since you brought it up, what is your own personal experience or research with glass shelves? Or glass windows. Or glass anything? Fair enough? 😛 
Sound stage height??
Just a quick interrupt to reiterate that ye olde trial and error methodologies that rely on listening a little, moving a little cannot locate the unique optimum positions for speakers in a given room. It’s like trying to solve a few simultaneous e... 
melbguyoneBe cautious with racks using glass shelves, as glass will notoriously ’ring’. The only high end manufacturer I know of who has managed to engineer around those issues is Artesania, though they use bonded glass shelves with complex bracin... 
Digital Remasters, Tapes & Records
Huh? They use Dolby when? Surely they don’t use Dolby routinely on all original recordings since a great majority predates Dolby. If they use Dolby during digital remastering would that be innocuous to the listener? 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
My math was a little bit off. When I say that system performance can double three times that’s actually *eight times* the performance of when you started out. Sweet!  Forget about the measly 3% stuff, people.  
blue jeans cable?
OMG! 👀 😬