

Responses from geoffkait

Acoustic treatment for side glass doors / please, need ideas.
Drink more scotch. 
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?
One thing Peter Walker didn’t have the good sense to do was produce the Quads without that abominable looking and horrible sounding rattletrap of a metal grating on the front and back of the speakers. I mean, come on, people!  No wonder he thought... 
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?
Too bad De Forest’s hearing was shot by the time transistor radios came out. Otherwise he would have said, Yikes! Transistors suck! 
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?
I wrote the book on crystals. Oops, I forgot you can’t read. Never mind. 
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?
You’re right, glubson. It is fun learning new things. But I like learning new things that are true. Not logical fallacies from newbies and wannabes. But that’s probably a difference between us, you know, just going by what you say.  
What is the most $ you have spent on vinyl?
The Beatles Butcher Block album sold for more than $6,000 on eBay last year. Somebody’s paying something. Sealed Beck Sea Change on Mo Fi, pink vinyl, currently listed for $500. Mo Fi Woodstock, $810. 
How good is your hearing ? And how do you know ?
Hearing that measures good is sometimes not too good. Hearing that measures bad is sometimes very good. plus people hear differently in different rooms. It can be very exasperating. 
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?
I got as far as, “My understanding is...” 😀 
How do you store and catalog your vinyl?
No I’m not saying that at all. But reflection doesn’t equate to diffusion. That’s is actually why I said they act as resonators, though. Everything in the room reflects. Also, even if the CDs were stored horizontally they would still reflect. But ... 
How do you store and catalog your vinyl?
But the collection of CDs in jewel cases is acting as a resonator, not a diffuser. Even if CDs are in paper cases the sound in the room will be better if vertically stored. Same with all media, even videos and books. See where I’m going with this? 😬 
How do you store and catalog your vinyl?
Where the collection of CDs is placed in the room affects the sound, too. Moving the CD collection from one location to another location several feet away can sometimes make all the difference. And paper CD cases sound better than standard plastic... 
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?
Well, if dale is going to see them they must be big. I didn’t realize Bachman Turner Overdrive was still performing. 
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?
Are you channeling the dude from Taxi Driver now?  If so you’re good! 
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?
Geez, glupson, all my LOLs are turning to WTFs.  
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?
All the important music ever made was recorded and mastered with tubes. By logical deduction all the unimportant music ever made was recorded and mastered using transistors.