Responses from geoffkait
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat fleschlerSo are you disputing Mrs. Mrock's assertion that the E-Mat has a very wide range (a giant field) of horizontal effect? >>>>>>I’m still thinking about the question. | |
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat jafreeman>>Any field effect, electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, whatever, falls off rapidly, you know, following the *inverse square law*. That’s why, even with a powerful magnet, if you remove the magnet from the steel cover and withdraw ... | |
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat uberwaltzSome uncharitable souls might say " field of dreams"Still waiting for Tim to release the minimees so I can voice my own tested opinion!>>>>I’m sure we’re all very excited and sitting on pins and needles.😛 | |
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first? Two things are true. You can’t change the mind of a dead person. And you can’t change the mind of a dyed in the wool naysayer slash pseudo skeptic. 🤨 | |
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first? Speaking of burn outs....just joking, no offense.... | |
Pieces of music that digital can't get right Digital cannot get Heifetz’ Guarneri violin to sound right at all. It makes it sound like a respectable Chinese violin. Even the extinct audio cassette does much better. | |
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat fleschlerA field of electromagnetic effect. Obviously. >>>>Any field effect, electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, whatever, falls off rapidly, you know, following the *inverse square law*. That’s why, even with a powerful magnet, if yo... | |
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat A GIANT field of what, pray tell? 😳 A field of Dreams? A field of Lillies? Corn? | |
Pieces of music that digital can't get right The best way to avoid the two-clock jitter problem is to go pleisiochronous. Problem solved. | |
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first? Bingo! I’m pretty sure in real life he’s a priest or bishop or something. And we already know Moops is Amish. | |
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first? It’s so charming when one troll has another troll’s back. What a team! The Gloopster. Moop-a-rama. Enter the jitter person. The triumvirate! I must leave now! | |
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first? Dale, whatever. | |
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first? glubson, prove it. No offense intended. | |
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first? No offense intended to anyone living or dead but loudness is not the same thing as dynamic range. People! One way to avoid poor dynamic range is don’t listen to CDs. Oh, did I just say that? | |
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first? “Solid state is more convenient.”Out if the mouths of babes....So, gentle readers, it all comes down to precisely the same reason why most people prefer digital. Convenience. Why didn’t he just come right out and say it and spare us all the philos... |