

Responses from geoffkait

Bands with great second albums
Is Cleveland Symphony a new age rock band? 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
It is *misreported* on the internet in what appear to be otherwise authoritative articles on the Challenger Disaster investigation with respect to Richard Feynman. The article I just read, for example, described a hostile relationship between Roge... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
I hate to judge too harshly but it certainly appears aviation inhaling fuel fumes destroys brain cells. This your brain 🧠 This is your brain after inhaling aviation fuel fumes 🍳 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Audio is by and large a subjective hobby. If you want a hobby based on measurements go build houses or race cars. 🏎  
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Feynman’s contribution to the Challenger Disaster Final Report was disallowed until the very end when it was put into the Appendix as a sop. He was kind of a loose cannon. Not unlike some folks here. I’m not going to point fingers. 👉 👉 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
I get it now. Aviation fuel fumes. That’s too bad. 😢 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
🍆 👨🏻‍✈️ 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
It’s a two edged sword. Data dogma is what produced the Hubble telescope fiasco and data dogma is also what produced the Challenger explosion and the second space shuttle disaster when it disintegrated during reentry. Data dogma also resulted in t... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Andy2, but it’s all been said already. Not to mention we know why wire is directional. It’s not really a mystery. Well, maybe in the minds of some. “You can’t stop what’s coming.” Audiophile expression 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Andy2, you’re overthinking it. The reason cables are directional is the same reason fuses are directional, the same reason HDMI cables are directional and why power cords are directional. It’s the wire itself that’s directional. I’m amazing that s... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Send in the 🍑🤡 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Let me get this straight. When you say electrical engineering class do you mean the one you never went to? 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Az, what are you talking about? I explained it already. God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. If you’re pretending to be dense you’re doing an excellent job. 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Az, it’s OK that you were lying about being an engineer. I totally understand why you would do that.  You must be the oldest Subway employee on the planet. 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
Az, you seem to have a propensity for density. I baited you and took the bait. 🐟