Responses from geoffkait
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? mitch2Geoff “How many customers of (directional) aftermarket fuses are there since they first came out 15 years ago? 100,000? That’s a whole lot of typical people who can hear wire directionality.”Of course, I am skeptical that those folks actuall... | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? glupson"How many customers of (directional) aftermarket fuses are there since they first came out 15 years ago? 100,000? That’s a whole lot of typical people who can hear wire directionality."As with any epidemiological approach, it would be inter... | |
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord? Nice to see hope spring eternal. | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? What a maroon! 🐰 | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? mitch2I have seen stranger things and do not doubt there could be a metallurgical basis for asymmetry based on the manufacturing process so I would not refute or even spend time arguing Geoff’s assertion of directionality but it is the "sounding b... | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? How slow is costco_emoji? Costc_emoji is so slow that after all this time he still doesn’t know what directionality even is. All cables are directional regardless of whether they have a ground. If the cables have a ground the directionality of the... | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? No, I’m laughing because you’re wrong. Also because you’re late to the game. Where have you been the last 25 years? 😃 | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? The wire in cables and fuses is physically asymmetrical. That’s why resistance measures slightly lower end to end one way than the other. Guess which way sounds better. | |
Let's talk power cords Geshundeit! | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? Glubson, if my posts are not worth stalking me why stalkers thou me? Trying to be somebody, one supposes. My suggestion is a long cold shower. All the lonely stalkers, where do they all come from? | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? Did someone squeeze maritime’s head again? 💩 | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? You’re not my mommy, glubson. I repeat, stop stalking me. | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? Glubson, I don’t care. I really don’t care. Go away. Find someone else to stalk. Get a life, too. Life’s too short for your nonsense. | |
Cover songs that are better than the originals. Byrds’ cover of Dylan’s My Back Pages. Dylan’s is good, too. | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? Who wouldn’t like all this? Being held down and beaten senseless by a hopped up gang with a whole lotta dumb questions. Most of whom display all the usual symptoms of, you know....🍑 🍔 🍔 such as repetitive speech and social ineptness and hyper focu... |