

Responses from geoffkait

Does the Quality of the USB cable matter?
jim204As far as directionality one would think the onous would be on the manufacturer because as you know there are two different connections at either end of the cable and as it is an analogue signal wouldn't directionality and resistance be of g... 
Coupling vs Decoupling
The trouble with the Gary Koh article is that he didn’t consider mass on spring technology when discussing coupling vs decoupling. He only addressed viscoelastic “isolation” which is not really in the same ballpark. Mass on spring isolation for sp... 
Coupling vs Decoupling
@geoffkait - the idea of a combination to produce ideal results makes sense and is intriguing. Do you have personal experience with a product you’d recommend?There is much to choose from for audiophiles these days in terms of isolation products. I... 
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene
You’re not following. I mentioned physical and electrical properties of Graphene. That’s why Graphene is being used in high end bike tires, tennis racquets, perhaps high end bike frames, I.e., tensile strength and lightness, as well as electrical ... 
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene
Graphene in its two dimensional firm is MUCH stronger, I.e., tensile strength, than steel. It is really a super material. That’s why production plants are cranking this stuff out by the ton, hoping to cash in. Graphene is also an excellent electri... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Idle comment: taters wins again!  😬 
Coupling vs Decoupling
Generally speaking, a combination of coupling and decoupling achieves the best results. Example, to decouple/isolate a component use mass-on-spring technique. Then use very hard cones or spikes to couple the component to the iso stand AND to coupl... 
reports from RMAF, anyone?
“Why my system sounds better than anything at RMAF.”https://youtu.be/NByBm4CKngQ 
Does the Quality of the USB cable matter?
Gee, one wonders if USB cables are directional? You know, like HDMI cables or Ethernet cables. Or any cables, really. Say, isn’t the “digital” signal really an analog signal? Hmmmm... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
I have a strong sense someone is humping my leg. Oh, it’s only glubson. 
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene
Uh, obviously, but why would he share how he makes them with John Q. Public? Anymore than the dude who makes Graphene contact enhancer would be interested in sharing his ideas.  
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
See my post today at 12:01 pm. That should help. There seems to be some confusion as to what bi wiring actually is. Not everyone is in a position to be able to try it, consequently, even if he wanted to. 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
conradnash@geoffkait , absolutely. While the logic and absolute-ness (in audio, indeed!) might not be agreed on by everyone, I’m an advocate of trying it and seeing how I get on. If bi-wiring has claims to work (ignoring any bi-amping, whether act... 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
I guess you’re probably right, b4icu. It’s a giant conspiracy. Very carefully choreographed by big money - and it’s worldwide. Especially in the US. You see everything, don’t you? 😬 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
Yes, exactly! Audioquest is a cable maker. And you are not. Polk is a speaker maker and you are not. Definitive Technology is a speaker maker and you are not. See the pattern? Furthermore, there is no financial advantage for a speaker company or a...