

Responses from geoffkait

Skeptic or just plain hard headed
TG Audio, I.e., Bob Crump, who knew a little bit about sound and whose cables and power cords were among the very best extant, always burned in his cables and cords for 30 days prior to shipping. At that point in time he used the MOBIE, Maximum Ov... 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
Well, you’re partially correct. About 2% in thrift stores are collectible CDs. Collectible in the sense they are somewhat rare and have value. About 10-20% of the CDs are uncompressed, but extremely common CDs that collectors, not unlike your humb... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Whew!! That was a close call. For a second there I thought you were going to say Heaven’s Gate. 😬 
Hi Fi Tuning Supreme fuse-Burn In?
Speaking of HiFi Tuning Fuses, crazy prices over on eBay for new HiFi Tuning Fuses, selected values and types. Check it out, Bubba!! 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
edgewearWhich begs the question: will we ever see an audiophile collector's market for cd first issues and pressings?>>>>The future is here! Check out the CDs at most thrift stores and you’ll find by and large most of them are reissues... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
All cables require break in to sound their best. The only real debate is how long break in should be and what the best means of break in are. If you’re not really into the whole sound quality thing I wouldn’t sweat it too much. But at the big show... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Perhaps you should read what I wrote again to ascertain the time required to break in the analog front end using the Clearaudio Test LP. What you need is the Cable Cooker.  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Uh, I’m pretty sure there is a break-in LP for analog systems. If there isn’t there should be.Whoa! Hold the presses! This just in! I guess the lesson here is NEVER SAY NEVER. I trust no one will accuse me of shooting fish in a barrel. 🐟 🐟 🐟Cleara... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
There are at least a few steps for proper cable care and feeding, burn-in is just one of them. E.g., cryogenic treatment - even if already done in-house - is recommended, and if not done in-house then highly recommended. Then there’s contact enhan... 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
http://dr.loudness-war.info/album/list/album?artist=Rolling+stones&album=Exile+on+Main+StreetI dunno about harsh but the 2010 issue is super compressed. Worst case scenario. That can’t be good. Whereas the early CD is relatively uncompressed.T... 
Hi Fi Tuning Supreme fuse-Burn In?
From what HiFi Tuning says there is actually nothing about the construction of their fuses that could lead to any sort of bad outcome. Fuses are not really rocket science. You simply choose the wire for a given fuse based on whatever temperature y... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
When using the XLO Test CD burn-in track, it is suggested that track be played continuously for two weeks, but that improvements should be audible after a day or two, which I think is true. The obvious advantage of using a burn-in track is that ev... 
Will decent speakers always out do headphones?
Well, here’s the thing. You don’t want to listen to headphones that are too good or too comfortable, otherwise you might risk being sucked over to the dark side. 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
How unlucky can one person be? Oh, well... 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
When you say that you could have saved thousands of dollars one assumes you must have thrown your old cables in the trash. Most people break even when they sell their used cables, if not make money on the deal. Remember, don’t throw them in the tr...