

Responses from geoffkait

Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Just to be clear, warm up and burn in are two different things. 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Lizzie, actually this is what you said,elizabeth5,902 posts12-02-2018 2:52pmBryston's James Tanner says, and PS Audio's Paul McGowan burn in the components ONLY so they don't break for the customer in the first few days. PERIOD 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
The cables that were replaced by the dudes you mentioned were not (rpt not) high end cables, or they did not (rpt not) have pure metal connectors. Just because you say they were doesn’t make it true. For example we already know the cables the guy ... 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
Whatever. It’s still not bits. Sampling rate doesn’t translate to bits, even if you’re correct about sampling and tape, which I’m not so sure about. 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
This debate regarding brass and pure metals for connectors is probably best written off as just another high end vs mid fi misunderstanding.  
I like my system flat, no tone controls, no eq..........what is your preference, and why.
I participated in the Mapleshade Gallo system at CES which included Ron Bowman’s (Mapleshade) special amplifier that had no volume pot. Those were the good old days when loudness level of CDs was consistent, I.e., prior to loudness wars. When you ... 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
Flescher I’ve read that the analog LP only captures 12 or 14 bits of information but in pure wave form. Digital captures sound at different bits and depth. Somehow, they both sound natural and high resolution on my system and some of my friends sy... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
barnettk OP63 posts12-03-2018 11:58pmI hear you. I am not just skeptical I don’t believe it at all. However it’s somethibg about the sencarity of MA that made me take pause and said to myself let’s just see so I can finally draw a line in the sand... 
Hi Fi Tuning Supreme fuse-Burn In?
No one is claiming that high end audio is not a niche hobby. Audiophile fuses are not a major industry. Duh! Nobody ever said they were. That argument is just plain silly. A last ditch effort. However, judging from the numbers of fancy fuses sold,... 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
I implore you, is it too much of leap from fuse directionality to make the proclamation that all wire is directional? Or is that premature? Talk amongst yourselves. Smoke if ya got em. 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
Congrats! You just became Exhibit A. 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
Well, good for. You have an opinion. 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
You don’t have to know which way current or signal flows in the circuit since almost no aftermarket fuses are marked for directionality anyway. Thus, you should try both ways in any situation. 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
edgewear, there are a number of variables involved in the physical CD itself that affect the sound. These variables are independent of the recording and the CD mastering. The physical CD variables include, but are not completely limited to, transp...