

Responses from geoffkait

Hey RICH Audiophiles
I’ll be the judge of that. 
Silver plated copper
Riddle me this, Batman. Does the signal travel entirely in the conductor, entirely outside the conductor or part inside, part outside? 
Hey RICH Audiophiles
Obviously she didn’t listen to enough Schubert growing up.  
Hey RICH Audiophiles
“Woulda, shoulda, coulda. I coulda been 5’10”.” - Judge JudyI thank my lucky stars I ain’t rich. Necessity is the mother of invention. Besides, there’s the camel 🐫 and eye 👁 of the needle thing to ponder. Revel in your time. 
Are many audiophiles only seeking approval of the next purchase?
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universePools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my open mind,Possessing and caressing me.Jai guru deva omNothing's gonna ch... 
Difference in sound between day and night. Help!
You mean we have to worry about stalkers now? 
Hi-Fi Tunig Fuses & Parasound A21
The HiFi Fuses are marked with diode symbols and, as I understand it, the direction of the diode “arrow” is random. So, you need to try both directions. The diode symbol is useful in knowing which way the fuse was oriented just before you changed ... 
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
fleschler712 posts02-01-2019 3:44amGeoffkait Okay, I misunderstood as I thought both sides of the square had double stick tape. It has a smooth, unsticky side which the CD rests on. Good. Also, I misspoke as to the Walker Talisman. Of course it is... 
How important is it for you to attain a holographic image?
Go-ol-ly!  Sha-zam!  
Pro v Audiophile - Science v Snake Oil?
cd318Audiophile gear is sold on cosmetics and styling first. Performance specs and reliability appear to be an afterthought or even unimportant in many reviews!>>>>Gosh! I did not know that.…😳 
Alternatives to Stillpoints
I’m a big fan of bungee cords for suspending components. And of suspending all cables and cords from the ceiling. One spring can be quite interesting under a thing, since it can isolate in rotational directs as well as vertical direction and has a... 
How important is it for you to attain a holographic image?
I lot of stuff I enjoy, you know, 60s and 70s stuff, was recorded and mastered with headphones in mind, so it’s not a real holographic soundstage, anyway. It’s more of a fake holographic soundstage. Plus, I listen on headphones so it’s a win win. 
Difference in sound between day and night. Help!
Was that audio engineer one of the SOBs who have been compressing the life out of our CDs for the past twenty years? Have they been teaching neuroscience in audio engineering schools? I did not know that.  
My Audio System and Invitation.
You might not be sure you need NDM on your transport. But I am sure. We almost have a majority. DNM. The holy grail. I can have it there in three days. 
Difference in sound between day and night. Help!
But, early morning hours ARE great times to listen. Especially Sunday morning. On week days not so much, it’s light already and the hustle and bustle of a workday has already begun. You must be a late sleeper.