

Responses from geoffkait

Has to be said
Obviously high energy photos like those in the audio signal, radio waves and X-rays travel through solid objects and low energy photons don’t travel very far in water. In a CD player the scattered light isn’t required to have the same amplitude of... 
Pass Labs and Fuses
Uber, I had no idea you liked the old Whack a mole. Good job! Whack him good!  
Has to be said
Things unknown for this group could be almost anything. Off with their heads!  
How Science Got Sound Wrong
It’s not very difficult to find a vinyl system that’s better than the average CD system. But it’s very hard to find a CD system that is better than the average vinyl system. Of course, if you can stand the blandness and boredom of CDs you’re one u... 
Has to be said
atdavid, you can never find the truth being argumentative. You are blinded by science! 😎 You’re as stubborn as an old mule. I can prove my CD laser theory whereas you can’t prove I’m wrong. It’s a win win for me. 🤗 By the way, the energy of the ph... 
Has to be said
I just edited by last post to point out it’s because the CD transport lights up with laser light that scattered CD laser light is a problem. You’re being argumentative again. YOU are the one who can’t see the forest for the trees.  
Has to be said
Way to miss the point. It doesn’t matter HOW the frequencies are defined. The point is that the cavities both fills up with light. AND that the light particles move at light speed. They’re waves! They’re particles! The laser output is a wave, that... 
Jazz for aficionados
You say Hello, I say Goodbye. 
Jazz for aficionados
You are quibbling. “More than 1700 Luftwaffe (German air force) planes were destroyed. The 2662 German casualties included many experienced aircrew, and the Luftwaffe never fully recovered from the reverse it suffered in August-October 1940. The R... 
Has to be said
Ironically the trough between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere that contains the Schumann “resonance” is analogous to the inside of the CD transport. The only difference is the photons inside the CD transport, the so-called scattered laser l... 
Has to be said
hemigreg OPgeoffkait: MIT. I’ve heard of MIT. What have I heard about it? I’ve heard it’s very hard to get into but easy to get out of. how many years you spend thers??????>>>>Fortunately, none. Looks like I dodged a bullet. 
Jazz for aficionados
German military prowess? You mean like attacking Russia in winter in their summer uniforms? 😳 Or like losing half their air planes in the Battle of Britain?  
Has to be said
hemigrog, knowledge is what’s left when you subtract out all the stuff you learned in school and easily forgot. Whenever I see the word Hemi I immediately think of Dennis Hopper wearing an “oxygen mask” in Blue Velvet.  
Has to be said
millercarbonEveryone else: Forest for the Trees is a prime example of the difference between memorizing words and understanding concepts. Understanding concepts you can actually explain them so others understand them as well. Memorizing words all ... 
Has to be said
Note to self - never get into technical discussions with English majors or people with brain injuries.