Responses from geoffkait
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance 280% THD? That’s a lot of THD! 😩 | |
How Science Got Sound Wrong teo_audioAs god knows, since science says there are no facts and all is theory, as thing change constantly..well.. >>>>Whoa! Huh?! That makes no sense on any level. Are you maybe an English major? | |
Any tweaks I'm missing? No, I guess you don’t need to. 😛 | |
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance dynaquest4To debate with him (or Geoff) is pointless.>>>>For you that is especially true. Hey, that rhymes! 🤗 | |
What are the best Room Accustic Treaments members have found? Maybe time to cut back on the coffee just a tad, lemonhead. | |
Distinguished Frequencies Let me guess. Scientifically controlled double blind testing, right? AES, who else?. Oh, brother! | |
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance Let it go, Sherlock. | |
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance Act-u-ally the real point is frequency and oscillation are not synonymous. The other point you guys are missing is the audio signal in wire is not a vibration. | |
Has to be said Good comeback. 🙄 Have you figured out the difference between the Earth’s 8 Hz natural resonance and the 8 Hz you get when you subtract 432 Hz from 440 Hz yet? | |
Any tweaks I'm missing? fleschler3. Clean all wall outlets in ALL rooms of the house with isopropyl alcohol. Why? I never heard of this tweak.>>>>It’s the ones you never heard of that come back to bite you in the 🍑 Unless you have dedicated circuits, the no... | |
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance delkalgeoffait- To get a speaker to produce sound you need an oscillating current of some frequency and AC power is distributed as an oscillating current at 60 Hz.>>>>Huh? That’s what I just said. | |
Has to be said I’m laughing so hard right now my ribs hurt. 😩 Ethan Winer, clown extraordinaire! Please don’t make me watch the video. This thread kind of makes me wonder should I ask the doctor to increase my medication. But I’m already on seven different medic... | |
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance Oscillation frequency of alternating current and voltage 🔚🔜 is not the same thing as frequency of the signal. It is a semantic argument. Just as the audio waveform does not ever travel down a single wire. There is no frequency of the signal when i... | |
Has to be said “Nothing is written unless I say it’s written.” - T.E. Lawrence”If I could explain it to the average guy on the street they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.” - Richard Feynman“People would generally be much better off if they believed in TO... | |
Has to be said If I’m reading between the lines correctly there’s a widening schism between advanced audiophiles and Pro Audio proponents. As for the sacred Laws of Physics, I broke three of them today and it’s not even dinner time. Just when we thought we shook... |