Responses from geoffkait
Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables? I compared silver AudioQuest Truth interconnects to copper AudioQuest Truth interconnects both 1 meter air dielectric and copper sounded better. So that is one case that disproves the general theory. | |
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware No one is saying a DVD or CD won’t work. What I’m saying is the way the system was designed DVDs and CDs and Blu Ray appear to be working 100% but are actually working less than 100%. How much less less than 100% depends on many factors. Its not a... | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? One assumes you’re the pasty guy. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? What’s happening? Am I in a Progressive commercial? | |
What other Hobbies or Interests Do You Have? Once upon a time my hobby was fixing and repairing Alfa Romeos. I had five count ‘em in a row. The most fun of any car to have in the shop. I took my car once to an Alfa dealer and asked for a rough estimate so they beat the crap out of me. | |
Synergistic Research Cable Risers? Acoustic Discs from Golden Sound would be cheaper. Suspending the cables is even cheaper. The higher you fly the cheaper you go. | |
I wouod like a power cord recomendation that's in the budget category Problem solved! Analysis Plus Pro Power Oval, Wattgate connectors, see thru jacket. Less than $100 for 5 ft. Cord. Cannot beat with stick. | |
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware Perfect Sound Forever! The more things change the more they stay the same. 🙄 | |
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware The best system I’ve heard - by far - is one for which the Reed Solomon error correction code subsection was disabled. Yes, I know what you’re thinking - is he out of mind? And once you stabilize the CD there is almost no need for the CD laser ser... | |
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware So, modern CD players don’t use Reed Solomon codes or laser servo feedback? Reclocking and buffering takes care of everything? | |
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware We apparently have different definitions of jitter. | |
Silly question, but I’ll ask it anyway. I spend most of my time in the future. I only come back here for the jokes. Besides, they don’t have audio forums in the future. The trolls got too out of control. | |
Silly question, but I’ll ask it anyway. They stole it 20 years ago. You should sue. | |
Silly question, but I’ll ask it anyway. Then there’s this,“The Nanofiber main strength is its exceptional midrange purity (we feel the midrange is absolutely as open as with the Indra - the flagship of STEALTH analog interconnects). The Nanofiber offers first class overall presentation:... | |
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware “There are no uncorrectable errors.” That’s precisely what the industry said ever since day one. Hel-loo! “Perfect Sound Forever.” The Reed Solomon codes and the laser servo feedback mechanism were supposed to take care of any errors. What a joke.... |