

Responses from geoffkait

Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables?
I compared silver AudioQuest Truth interconnects to copper AudioQuest Truth interconnects both 1 meter air dielectric and copper sounded better. So that is one case that disproves the general theory.  
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware
No one is saying a DVD or CD won’t work. What I’m saying is the way the system was designed DVDs and CDs and Blu Ray appear to be working 100% but are actually working less than 100%. How much less less than 100% depends on many factors. Its not a... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
One assumes you’re the pasty guy. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
What’s happening? Am I in a Progressive commercial? 
What other Hobbies or Interests Do You Have?
Once upon a time my hobby was fixing and repairing Alfa Romeos. I had five count ‘em in a row. The most fun of any car to have in the shop. I took my car once to an Alfa dealer and asked for a rough estimate so they beat the crap out of me. 
Synergistic Research Cable Risers?
Acoustic Discs from Golden Sound would be cheaper. Suspending the cables is even cheaper. The higher you fly the cheaper you go. 
I wouod like a power cord recomendation that's in the budget category
Problem solved! Analysis Plus Pro Power Oval, Wattgate connectors, see thru jacket. Less than $100 for 5 ft. Cord. Cannot beat with stick. 
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware
Perfect Sound Forever! The more things change the more they stay the same. 🙄 
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware
The best system I’ve heard - by far - is one for which the Reed Solomon error correction code subsection was disabled. Yes, I know what you’re thinking - is he out of mind? And once you stabilize the CD there is almost no need for the CD laser ser... 
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware
So, modern CD players don’t use Reed Solomon codes or laser servo feedback? Reclocking and buffering takes care of everything? 
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware
We apparently have different definitions of jitter.  
Silly question, but I’ll ask it anyway.
I spend most of my time in the future. I only come back here for the jokes. Besides, they don’t have audio forums in the future. The trolls got too out of control.  
Silly question, but I’ll ask it anyway.
They stole it 20 years ago. You should sue. 
Silly question, but I’ll ask it anyway.
Then there’s this,“The Nanofiber main strength is its exceptional midrange purity (we feel the midrange is absolutely as open as with the Indra - the flagship of STEALTH analog interconnects). The Nanofiber offers first class overall presentation:... 
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware
“There are no uncorrectable errors.” That’s precisely what the industry said ever since day one. Hel-loo! “Perfect Sound Forever.” The Reed Solomon codes and the laser servo feedback mechanism were supposed to take care of any errors. What a joke....