

Responses from geoffkait

Higher End DACs
The problem is that everything is affected by RF. I’m not sure that’s saying anything new. But that shouldn’t be terribly surprising since the signal itself is RF, no? 
I'm interested in hearing what "the best" systems sound like, where to go?
I knew I shouldn’t have written that as soon as I did it. 😬 Tip for the day - clean all Schumann frequency wall outlet connections with isopropyl alcohol. I use white pipe cleaners. You can see the grime easier with white ones. 😛 Especially recomm... 
Grounding Speakers
Skin effect distortion? I’m not sure that’s true since the signal is not frequency varying. Or is it? Hmmmmmmm...🤔 
Acme silver fuses
Acme Audio used to fall under the Bob Crump umbrella of high end stuff like his TG Audio cables, the MOBIE burn in device, Number Cruncher DAC, and others. Don’t overlook Acme Fuse holders, also silver plated. Beep, beep!  
sodium / tungsten / magnesium, aluminum, wire?
Just to emphasize all metals save one - lead - have directionality issues due to the deformation of the symmetrical crystal structure during manufacture. Lead has no crystal structure. Smooth sailing. Hel-loo! 🤗 
Higher End DACs
Or do what I do and stop the RF at it’s source (coming in through the windows from outside) and turn the entire building into one giant Faraday cage. Problem solved! 🤗 it’s not that difficult. Furthermore, while not widely known, tiny little bowl ... 
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware
Stabilizing the disc is important, glad someone is doing that. But what’s that, 1% of the players? Hel-loo! Moreover, careful vibration isolation of the player from seismic type vibes is also important and separate from stabilizing the disc and re... 
I'm interested in hearing what "the best" systems sound like, where to go?
I was afraid of that. My comment was misinterpreted. What I was trying to say was of course 70s speakers can sound better than big expensive modern ones. Of course the opposite is true, too, modern speakers can be made to sound better than 70s spe... 
I'm interested in hearing what "the best" systems sound like, where to go?
Can speakers from the 1970s sound better than big expensive modern speakers? Are you out of mind?  
sodium / tungsten / magnesium, aluminum, wire?
Lead wire,https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F112176129351 
I'm interested in hearing what "the best" systems sound like, where to go?
I have a gut feeling those guys are not the tweaking kind. Most likely they are from the “only good solid engineering” school of thought.”We don’t do tweaks here.” 🧐 
Acme silver fuses
How could you check it? You couldn’t. Duh! This is almost too easy.  
Silly question, but I’ll ask it anyway.
Reverse thought experiment: would the car run better if you used audiophile interconnects in place of the stock spark plug wires?  
Acme silver fuses
Uh, Georgie Boy, all or almost all audio fuses are in AC circuits. Hel-loo! 
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware
Everything is relative. As I oft say, audiophiles are prone to making declarations such as the ones you just made, I.e., that somehow modern players are superior by buffering, etc. While it may be true that some CD players are more innovative than...