

Responses from geoffkait

Mapleshade records: Pick the best of
Sunnyslide Slim - Live! Drink Small - Electric Blues Doctor 
Music for the spirit and the soul
Janet Baker sings Mahler on EMI label. One of these Mahler songs by Baker can be heard in the final vignette of "Coffee and Cigarettes," a Jarmusch film of a coupla years ago... 
SACD on its way out?
Considering you can pick up new Hybrid SACDs of Dylan & Stones for less than ten bob each, what's the problem? And RCA Living Stereo Hybrids are such a deal at 12. This is good news for SACD, trust me. 
Berning EA-230
I owned the first or second prototype of the EA-230 around 22 yrs ago or so; a very good sounding little amp. 
Best real DSD recordings on SACD.
Suppe and Auber Overtures on Mercury... due out next week. 
First excerpts from the Dylan autobiography
wonder who the author is... 
Freezer Cryoed Cables...
I might have mispoken on my last post re austenite and martenite - apologies to tireguy.... please disregard my last post... 
Freezer Cryoed Cables...
Tireguy, the process you described re austentite/martensite applies only to steel, e.g., steel tools, so not really relevant to this discussion. 
Freezer Cryoed Cables...
not to stir the pot, but freezing a vinyl record improves the sound quite a bit, just thought I'd mention as freezing works for non-metalic objects too. 
The best test CD ?
XLO Test CD has the most comprehensive system tests for my money, especially Track no 3 (speaker set up track). 
The frozen Marigo S-Video is excellent as well... 
Lead shot questions
you noticed that too, huh? 
Copper ic's with silver spkr. cable?
Whatever sounds best is the only thing that counts in the end, although this means there are an awful lot of combinations to try. There is no reason why you can't mix and match cables/ICs IMO 
Stirling LS 3/5a? Anyone compare to older........
Which version? There are quite a few variations offered by Stirling depending on options such as reference cabinet, reference outboard crosssover ... 
Funniest sales pitch
"I'm moving to Europe."