

Responses from geoffkait

Fuses that matter.
Almarg, you said!"What remains is anecdotal evidence. What I have said regarding that is that I suspect that SOME (but not all) of that evidence is the result of either failure to recognize and control extraneous variables, or system dependent eff... 
Fuses that matter.
Bryon, you and Al think there are NON-QUALITATIVE reasons to believe fuses/direction can have audible effects? That's very interesting. Do you mean psychological reasons? Please expand. 
Fuses that matter.
On Page 4 of the Hi Fi Tuning data sheets, the following comment is made."The measurements done so far showed some measurable differences between fuse(s), but didn ́t explain completely the sonic differences between fuses."Thus, there's no reason ... 
Fuses that matter.
To all,I would like to remind everyone that reversing the direction of existing, stock fuses can result in better sound. Of course the sound could get worse, it all depends on whether the fuse was initially installed in the "correct direction". Th... 
Fuses that matter.
Mapman, you said,"SO it makes sense to me that resistance and voltage across different fuses varies somewhat and is not exactly the same. ....nothing new here."Uh, Mapman, I think you better look at the data again. The data also shows measured dif... 
Fuses that matter.
"There are some products I have lower regard for than the MD products I have read about but it is truly hard to come up with many. Cigarettes are the ones that come to mind. Although I am of the opinion that the MD products are a sham, at least th... 
Fuses that matter.
Mapman, you said,"Yes I do have a technical background. A big part of my occupation is assessing technology and managing technical risks."I don't really consider technology assessment or risk management to be technical fields, not that there's any... 
Fuses that matter.
Bryon, you're close...very close. 
Fuses that matter.
"Machina dynamica? Not s much in my humble opinion. Sorry but thats what my "technical intuition" tells me. Just being honest."I respect your opinion and appreciate your honesty - just curious, though, does your "technical intuition" come from a c... 
Fuses that matter.
Almarg, you said,"Scientific investigation and scientific progress draw upon a combination of observation, experimentation, analysis, technical understanding, and (dare I say it) reasoned judgment and common sense, among other factors. I see no re... 
Fuses that matter.
Mapman, you said,"There are smart people here. Scientists and engineers. How about actually discussing some of your scientific breakthroughs in scientific terms rather than muddying the waters via logic based on non-facts?One man's - or should I s... 
Fuses that matter.
Bryon, you said,"Again, I agree. More importantly, UFO's exist! Whether they contain little green men is another question. But the documentation of UFO encounters is vast and incontrovertible. For a recent book that compiles the official testimony... 
Fuses that matter.
Almarg, you said,"To conjure up an example, suppose someone posts on the Internet that he has noticed that the sound of his system is significantly different depending on whether or not the TV set is on or off in the home of a friend living a mile... 
Fuses that matter.
Almarg, you asked,"Geoff, let me pose a simple question. When a seemingly absurd claim of sonic benefit from some tweak is offered, do you consider that there can EVER be a finite limit to its apparent degree of absurdity beyond which it is justif... 
Fuses that matter.
Bryon,  Of course I would never say or imply that all of the points in Zen and the Art of Debunkery apply to all scientists or to any one person.  I think it would be a fair statement to say, however, that many of the "arguments" presented  in Zen...