

Responses from geoffkait

Fuses that matter.
Bryon said, "That occurred to me, Geoff. But that ambiguity is present in EVERY listening test. That's weird...all the reviews of Hi Fi Tuning and Isoclean Fuses in all of the major audio magazines are anything but ambiguous. For example, below fi... 
Fuses that matter.
Bryon said, "Then I decided to clean and apply Progold to every contact in the system, including the contacts on the power cords and IEC inlets. Now THAT was audible."Well, I hate to judge before all the facts are in but I suppose there is some po... 
Fuses that matter.
Did someone forget to put out the cockroach traps? 
Fuses that matter.
Bryon, Ooops, I had forgotten you changed direction of the fuses. Geoff 
Fuses that matter.
Tmsorosk, what with directionality being an issue (except in the mind of skeptical couch potatoes) I have lost faith in ANY tests of fuses unless the person performing the tests is already familiar with the difference in sound fuse direction makes... 
Fuses that matter.
Tbg said,"As good as I thought the HiFi Tuning Supremes were, they are now much better. I had relied on the information I got from my amps' (BMC M1s) imported about the direction to be used as well as that of the HiFi Tuning importer on how to ins... 
Fuses that matter.
Bryon, whatever happened to the word Terrific you used when you couldn't resist replacing the fuse in the preamp a few days ago? I was all set for a rave review. :-(. I still say wait a few days and re-evaluate the sound after the power cords brea... 
recommendations for tube dampers???
Herbies are the only ones I found, having tried all others, pearl, ensemble, silicone, etc. that actually improved the sound, more open detailed and smoother. Most tube dampers actually degrade the sound noticeably. Difficult to say if tube damper... 
Fuses that matter.
Unplugging a component from the wall and plugging it back in often results in a noticeable degradation of sound, if you're paying attention to such things, until such time as the contact between the plug and the wall socket has a chance to "reesta... 
Fuses that matter.
It's humorous to read this sort of thing, people getting all stressed out about a simple test. Why it's almost like superstition. I guess if you hear about placebo and expectation bias and unknown variables enough it'll psych anyone out. Faint hea... 
Fuses that matter.
Hifitime, you make some excellent points regarding the measured resistance of the fuses. The same arguments can apply to be made to the measured noise as presented in the HI FI Tuning data. But I think this was really the point of the data - to sh... 
Fuses that matter.
Actually, I am not biased, not in the sense you mean. I am actually quite objective and scientific. I have a sneaking suspicion you're not quite ready to be a member of that club. 
Fuses that matter.
Mapman, you said,"Is fox news biased? How about cnn? These are major providers of news to millions."That is an excellent example of a Strawman Argument. It is illogical to argue that because a news station is biased that all tests of an audio devi... 
Fuses that matter.
Mapman, Of course there's such a thing as bias, nobody would disagree with that, but bias can be eliminated. You don't really think that all the positive reviews over the years, by experienced reviewers, and all the audiophile reports, also by exp... 
Fuses that matter.
Mapman, you said,"Yep. No doubt it could be. Nothing has been proven as best i can tell. "Nobody is saying there is proof or there even needs to be proof. But there is evidence, and plenty of it. This is all a little bit like the last holdouts in ...