

Responses from geoffkait

The Hardest Naturally Occurring Substance on Earth
Yeah, right. Like we didn’t know that already. Give us a break. Hey, Florida hit all time high no. cases. You must be proud. 
Too good a post to waste
Too good a post to waste
Good synopsis! +1 Glad someone else sees through the legalese fog of bs. 
The Hardest Naturally Occurring Substance on Earth
You should quit while you’re behind. I have myself way ahead on points. Maybe see if your mommy can help you. 
The Hardest Naturally Occurring Substance on Earth
arachnidism, I heard you like wearing your mommy’s Underwear, especially when you post here. Do you Prefer cotton or silk?  
Too good a post to waste
Arachnidism, do you sit on your face all day or only when you’re posting?  
Too good a post to waste
What’s this a special Olympics reunion? 😳 😳 😳 
Who says cables don't make a difference?
The Hardest Naturally Occurring Substance on Earth
Could you be more retarded, Spider Man? Have you been indulging in your mommy’s pain killers again?  
Who says cables don't make a difference?
Good feces make good neighbors! 🐵 🙉 🐒 💩 💩 💩  
Who says cables don't make a difference?
What’s funny - at least to me - you don’t get the joke. 
Who says cables don't make a difference?
itsjustmetravelling light. I hear the same joke twice in one way. Who’d guess?>>>>But when I used the joke it was the most appropriate, right? 😬 
Too good a post to waste
Gosh, that’s clever Spider Man 🕷 . Another public school dropout no doubt. Hey, that rhymes! 🤗 
Too good a post to waste
That makes us even since I never expect anything from you, U. And I’m never disappointed. Probably a huge failure of public school system. I have no idea why you even try to tangle with me, it must because you enjoy being kicked in the head, which... 
good discussion on power cords
isochronismGeoff: .... "is what they wrote on the bathroom walls".... You saw that while listing your name and number, big boy??😄>>>No, I saw that while listing your name and number, goofball. “For a good time call arachnidism”