

Responses from geoffkait

Who says cables don't make a difference?
Glubson, it appears you made one too many trips to the Mind Garden. Too bad you went to public school. Otherwise you could ask for your money back.  
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
Perhaps it’s time to stop sitting on your face, arachnidism. 🕷  
Articles You Feel Should be Shared
In that last article from Audio Science Review djones51 just posted I don’t think I’ve seen so much misinformation and disinformation since Gandhi was a Boy Scout. ✌️Good name though, Audio Science Review. As if it was scientific. 🤗 
Articles You Feel Should be Shared
I wouldn’t use the word bogus. I would use the word inconclusive or perhaps meaningless. Performing many tests on the same system by different testers and performing many tests on different systems by different testers would be a much more scienti... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
Gosh, mahlman, you’re very observant. Did you take a smart pill this morning? 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
isochronismGeoff, Yesterday a post of mine was removed. Going by Agon’s guidelines of the four offered reasons, in their email to me, abuse towards another member" had to be it. The only member it possibly be toward is you. Was I wrong? 😔>>&... 
Articles You Feel Should be Shared
As your friendly local testing guru, can I say for the umpteenth time any test, even a controlled test, has no significance because of the situation in audio system that so many things can go wrong with the test and usually do? You think you’re in... 
Whats playing on your system today?
The people of Florida should take some personal responsibility. Do they only do what they’re told? Are they just sheep? 🐑🐑🐑🐑 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
Once a troll always a troll. If people respond sometimes it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. 🐟🐠🐟🐠 
XLR cable with warmth without losing resolution
What does one thing have to do with the other? 😳 Besides resolution and warmth are just words and words have different meanings to different people. Dylan said that. Everything is relative to something else. I said that. 
Who says cables don't make a difference?
Like any audio component cables should be considered a Black Box when attempting to find the impact on SQ. But this can be vexing as cables and power cords need time to break in, otherwise what’s the point. It’s not what anybody wants to do - wait... 
Will a $700 turntable outperform a CD player?
It won’t if the other guy knows what he’s doing. If both systems are Untweaked, straight outta the box in an untreated room, who cares? They are both going to suck, relatively speaking of course. Everything is relative to something else. There is ... 
Too good a post to waste
Al, I was not criticizing your system, I was complementing your writing style, which can sometimes constitute an illogical argument in itself. It’s the art of the legal mind to sway audiences with language. Sometimes it’s just too good to be true.... 
Articles You Feel Should be Shared
mahgisterAwake yourselves.... :)>>>>>Perhaps it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie. 🐩 🐩 🐩 
Too good a post to waste
Jim beam and Cialis? Are you sure that’s wise.