

Responses from geoffkait

Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
I have used epoxied lead shot inside a DIY subwoofer because at that time I was convinced that lead is good for the sound and that it's just the right material, kind of soft yet hard enough to retain it's shape. Since then I have learned that lead... 
Siltech G5 against the rest of the world.
I actually quite happy with my Rolls Canardly. Rolls down the hill, can hardly make it up the hill. 
Why not accordion ?
Google is your friend. Nick de Caro played the accordion on Back Street Girl which is on Between the Buttons. Brian Jones played the Vibraphone. 
Why not accordion ?
There was an accordion on one of the early stones songs, lady jane or backstreet girl, something like that. Maybe concertina is the actual instrument. 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Actually, to be completely fair, the sentence should have read,"Anyway it is hard to imagine any Audiophile being completely satisfied with his current system yet few state they are."Cheers! 
Michael Fremer's record cleaning process....
It was a show report? Ooops, my bad!:-) 
Michael Fremer's record cleaning process....
He's been been an advocate of analog but only up to a point. As long ago as 2001 - fourteen years ago! - he declared that at CES that five really big systems that were located in the brand new Tuscany Hotel that year of them were the best sounding... 
Electron microscope slow-motion video of vinyl LP
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how mass on a spring works nor does it take deep pockets to implement such a device. Case in point: bungee cords. 
LA Woman CDs: DCC vs. Analogue Productions
The Botnick and Rothchild and Doors remaster was at least twenty years ago IIRC. If memory serves the same group remastered most of The Doors catalog. 
LA Woman CDs: DCC vs. Analogue Productions
The Botnick remastered CD is not chopped liver. And I'm not hot dogging ya. 
How do you respond to this question?
The high frequencies of CDs suck. You don't have to be a cat or dog to hear it, either. Of course being deaf probably helps a lot. :-) 
Machina Dynamica
I'm getting bad vibrations. 
Led Zeppelin Mothership
The vinyl by and large crushes Digital when it comes to dynamic range. Just check it out on the official dynamic range data base. Nuff said.http://dr.loudness-war.info/album/list?artist=Led+zeppelin&album= 
Led Zeppelin Mothership
Apparently there's a premium on dynamics. 
Led Zeppelin Mothership
You can keep the "transition" releases. I want the full dynamic range. Music is mostly dynamics.