

Responses from geoffkait

Phono pre "Break-In" process? Necessary?
Been there done that. One of the biggest reasons manufacturers have such difficulty getting their systems to sound even reasonably good at audio shows like CES is that they insist on showing brand new systems - new components, new speakers and new... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
"Or maybe these fuses have some other method of operation (similar to Bybee filters) that enable them to impart their "magic". In the end, I guess one must remain open minded. I use HFT fuses but I cannot really say with authority whether they mad... 
Neutral electronics are a farce...
Roger wrote, "Can you tell me what happens if the velocity of an audio signal entering an amplifier leaves at a different velocity?"-- What happens when the audio signal from the speakers travels at different velocities to the listener depending o... 
Neutral electronics are a farce...
Roger paul wrote,"I don’t need to crack the text books to know that if I push a cup off a table that the next thing it will do is hit the floor."I don’t need to crack a text book to know the sky is blue, either. But neither statement, while a trui... 
Neutral electronics are a farce...
Say, didn't Elizabeth use daisy chained interconnects?  One assumes that must have something to do with water hoses or something.  ;-) 
Neutral electronics are a farce...
Electricity is most commonly conducted in a copper wire. Copper has a density of 8.94 g/cm3, and an atomic weight of 63.546 g/mol, so there are 140685.5 mol/m3. In one mole of any element there are 6.02×1023 atoms (Avogadro’s constant). Therefore ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I challenge anyone to determine the real break in time for fuses or capacitors or any electronic component for one reason:  How can you keep track of the sound closely enough to know when the sound is no longer improving? Do folks stand by and wai... 
Your Favorite Classical Box Sets
I have the latest Mercury box set and have been eying the Lyrita Box sets lasiviously. 
Neutral electronics are a farce...
Atmosphere wrote,"Of course, none of this is really possible, because signals **don't** travel in cables in the form of photons (which is of course ridiculous) and also not because of quantum :)! Of course I've been having some fun with this!"But ... 
Neutral electronics are a farce...
What’s this, the Frick and Frack routine?  I think I am seeing why there haven't been too many Amish Nobel Prize winners in physics. :-). Just joking, Mopman. 
Neutral electronics are a farce...
Oh, brother!  Are you pulling my leg?   
Neutral electronics are a farce...
Atmosphere, please don’t tell me you think that "near light speed" means light speed? I just finished explaining for the umpteenth time that the velocity of light and any electromagnetic wave depends on the medium through which it travels. I’m hav... 
Is New Vinyl Exempt from Loudness Wars?
Nobody said dynamic range is the end all do all for sound quality. But listen, if you buy a Ferrari that's supposed to redline at 8,000 RPM and you get it home and find out it comes with a rev limiter installed that cannot be removed that limits r... 
Conversion to DSD: Does It Eliminate Digital Glare?
What produces glare? The usual suspects include but are not limited to comb filter effects (room acoustics), failure to isolate the player and other electronics from seismic type vibration, background scattered CD laser light interference, directi... 
I think I've Just Seen Absolute Proof That Audiophiles Are Insanely Gullible
Mapman, I feel your angst. If you have a frog in your pocket it's always best to let it out. You'll feel better. Share, share...