Responses from geoffkait
List of artists died in the plane crash alphabet: "Actually, SRV was killed in a helicopter crash."OK, let me clarify. He died when the airborne vehicle in which he was traveling smashed into the ground. | |
The Sad State of Movie Theater Sound Systems Whatever happened to Smell-o-Rama? But seriously Ridley Scott's Promethues in IMAX and 3D was AWESOME. Some others I think deserve the big screen treatment include No Country for Old Men, Under the Skin, The Martian, Flight, Gravity and Birdman. | |
List of artists died in the plane crash alphabet: What about Lynyrd Skynrd? Richie Valens and The Big Bopper and Jim Croce. | |
QUALITY AND SECURITY OF "LITTELFUSE" PRODUCTS Almarg wrote,"I have no doubt that Littelfuses of the same current ratings, voltage ratings, fast/slow ratings, and physical size as the ones in your equipment would provide proper protection, and would also not blow when they shouldn’t. As to how... | |
QUALITY AND SECURITY OF "LITTELFUSE" PRODUCTS Pretty sure Audio Magic uses LITTELFUSE as the basis for their aftermarket fuses, Super Fuse and Beeswax Fuse. Although if that’s true I imagine LITTELFUSE would probably not go along with the whole idea of filling the inside of the fuse with liqu... | |
OPPO BDP 103/105, sound quality??? For those with the OPPOMODS Liner Power Supply the large toroidal transformer responds very well to being wrapped in mu metal. I should also mention the circuit boards in the Oppo should be isolated against the 60 cycle hum of the toroidal transfo... | |
The Sad State of Movie Theater Sound Systems The Golden Age of theater sound was what, forty years ago? Sound familiar? | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Exhibit A - Audio Magic Premier Super Fuse and Beeswax Fuse description. Anyone not seeing the connection to the SR Black Fuse raise your hand. I won't even mention the connection to the list of assertions, theories, educated guesses, whatever why... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Jon wrote," ...better than ever to me I'm sure the fuse helps along with the six Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8's I rolled into my preamp. Plus the new RCA rectifier and trio of RCA 6SN7's I just rolled into my amp. Oh and the stillpoints universal resona... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Georgelofi wrote,"Hey whitestix.That looks very much like a voodoo doll as GK’s avatar, that could explain it all.Out of 3000 posts GK you’ve only contributed 3 discussions to this forum, and they are beauties!!! | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Ya gotta figure anyone with lofi in his moniker is probably not really into the whole HiFi experience and most likely has a great big chip on his shoulder. This is an assertion, a theory, a hypotenuse. It has been my experience over the years that... | |
Magneplanar speaker terminals. is there an adapter to.... I saw the words mind altering so imagine my disappointment. | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Al wrote," (I have a law degree in addition to my two EE degrees)."Gee willikers, all that education and a theoretical physicist has to explain how aftermarket fuses improve the sound? | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Revenge of the Nerds, Part 2. Tweakaphobes giving advice on tweaks. Hilarious. Looks like I’ve picked up a couple of bogies. A couple of escapees from Audio Circle no doubt.Geoff Kaitmachina dramaticawe do artificial atoms right | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Whitesox wrote,"Still, if you have a BS Meter working in your head, be wary of anything that GK posts about tweaks or more particular, anything that the sells. That is my best advice."So sayeth Flakey Foont. |