

Responses from geoffkait

(Fun music)
Shonen Knife, Let's Knife 
ok im opening pandoras box here.(treatment vs framed wall art)
Speaking of opening Pandora’s box, while almost everyone and his brother would probably agree glass resonates and that glass windows and glass framed pictures and just ordinary drinking glasses in the room might not be a good idea sound quality wi... 
ok im opening pandoras box here.(treatment vs framed wall art)
While we’re on the subject of unconventional room treatments can I offer up the following for your consideration? Crystals for addressing sound pressure peaks in the room, DIY Helmholtz resonators using the Helmholtz formula to calculate the nozzl... 
ok im opening pandoras box here.(treatment vs framed wall art)
A big shout-out for Marigo VTS dots for windows and walls and for those teeny tiny little bowl acoustic resonators. 
You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...
Clash Cut the CrapClash Sandanista Stones Exile on Main StreetDylan Modern TimesLed Zeppelin Physical Graffitihave a nice day 
Cable Controversy
Most discrepancies in results or abberations in SQ can be easily explained by wire directionality. 
Best speakers for Pink Floyd?
I'll take those really big Raidho horns, thank you very much. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Almarg wrote,"My suggestion to everyone is that when disrespectful personal attacks are posted that the offended member click the "Report This" link that appears in the lower right corner of every post when that location is pointed to, select "abu... 
Anyone into cassettes?
I lucked out and found a few RCA Living Stereo and Mercury Living Presence on cassette. They're sublime. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I use the burn in track on the XLO Test CD. Let it play on repeat for two days, one week or two weeks, the longer continuous playing the better the results. 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
philipwu153 posts07-17-2016 11:09pmhi, has anyone tried A\B comparison between CE graphene interconnects and other interconnects (those in higher price bracket) ? can i know what is your brief opinions ? Thanks in advances!Inasmuch as the break-i... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
mapman13,516 posts07-15-2016 5:06pm"The other thing for sure is not everyone is floored by these things Is it possible the fuses they start with are as good or better? It can happen. These are are realistic possibilities. Who’s to say what will ha... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
mapman13,516 posts07-15-2016 5:06pmHmm well so far there would seem to be a definite correlation between what people actually pay for the fuse and what they hear. Oh, I don’t know about that, flyboy. I can easily hear the difference when flipping ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
"Trolls frequently admire the cut of another troll’s jib." ~ old audiophile expressionBreezy and witty? Are you hot dogging me?:-) 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
"Wolf, I call BS on your story of having tried the SR Blacks--it sounds like a phony confession out of a B-rated film noir. Your tone is evasive, shifty. "I have a friend" is a contrived intro. He owns a well-regarded store, then you label it as a...