

Responses from geoffkait

Equipment Rack
  rickw06218 posts07-27-2016 2:50pmComing from California I can truly understand isolation , we are not dealing with earths vibes. In this hobby we can effectively isolate and even better drain/remove internal noise . If you have turntable rumble ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
mapman13,528 posts07-27-2016 12:00pmUnfortunately Geoff just attacks me and clarifies nothing asked. Just more of the typical pattern of obfuscation.I’ve explained it too you many times, grasshopper. You just refuse to listen. Either that or you c... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
  mapman13,527 posts07-27-2016 11:38amThe scary thing is Geffkait’s assertion that its the shielding nature of the casing used for the fuse (use of Graphene in the casing not the internal filament) that delivers results at least makes sense. The p... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I move for a group chant.  
Equipment Rack
Addendum to my last: apparently you guys including your "seismic expert" don’t appreciate the problem fully’ Because the Earth’s crust motion and other very low frequency generators like wind ,traffic and wave action on the shore produce wave acti... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
wolf_garcia2,545 posts07-27-2016 4:11amA $125 fuse is hardly budget (about 20 times as expensive as a normal fuse like those used by pretty much every amp designer)."Wolfman, you might be looking at this fuse thing the wrong way. It’s not that the... 
ok im opening pandoras box here.(treatment vs framed wall art)
oleschool OP172 posts07-27-2016 12:11amGeoff i hear ya . But what is the frequency they are vibrating at ? Above our hearing ? When my pics vibrate its the frame ratting on the wall itself so say under 100hz ? But the glass itself i would think is... 
Equipment Rack
If it were actually true that the pointed tips of cones and other pointy footers prevented seismic vibration from coming up into the component then why are there so many advanced seismic isolation devices around, not only the ones supporting scann... 
Anyone into cassettes?
pryso828 posts07-26-2016 12:37pmgeoffkait, I was surprised to see your comments on the RCA and Mercury cassettes. In my experience, and I played with tapes for several years, commercial recordings were always a disappointment. I attributed that to... 
ok im opening pandoras box here.(treatment vs framed wall art)
"But my original post was regarding some of the mega systems here on the gon virtual.I see some serious setups and wonder how the hell does he have 20 framed glass pics on his walls??? How is he/she battling the resonation that has to be taking ... 
Equipment Rack
Theaudiotweak wrote,"As for the handling of vibration and in your words “your low tech approaches” in dealing with vibration across all the various and numerous parts of the electronic component, we find them to be anisotropic (physics of unequal ... 
Equipment Rack
theaudiotweak1,353 posts07-25-2016 12:37pmSo these mechanical filters, how do they relieve a component of the on board self generated noise from transformers, motor drives,filter capacitors, wiring and really anything that is electrically or mecha... 
Equipment Rack
Theaudiotweak wrote,"Remember isolation can only exist in the absence of matter..if you get the drift."Nobody ever said isolation is or has to be perfect 100% isolation. What we’re talking about is actually rather imperfect isolation, a low passiv... 
ok im opening pandoras box here.(treatment vs framed wall art)
davehrab337 posts07-24-2016 12:11pm"The pictures on your wall are vibrating in response and sympathy to your room's 3 primary resonate frequencies being excited or over pressurized Every room has 3 primary resonate frequencies based on the room's ... 
Taralabs cables
Confucius say man who talk to self have captive audience.Since I don’t have ANY cables OR interconnects I guess you could say I don’t have a dog in this fight. So I will bow out post haste.  :-)