

Responses from geoffkait

SVS Subwoofer Isolation feet. Will I lose bass?
The missing “chest rattle” people report is the lack of boom and distortion when the sub is properly isolated. Key word: properly. When a speaker or sub is properly isolated the bass frequencies are lower and more articulated with more slam. Every... 
SVS Subwoofer Isolation feet. Will I lose bass?
Ack-chew-ally the video I posted was actually more to the point concerning cement floors. Yours was good too. 😬 As I previously pointed out damping the springs hurts the isolation and - more importantly - is audible. 😩 The video I posted also show... 
Tuning Collars on speaker cables - concept and any good?
Are you volunteering? Please report results. Thanks in advance. 🤗 
Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?
Three spikes, you’re out!https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ 
SVS Subwoofer Isolation feet. Will I lose bass?
bdp24@pmg1223, in one of the Townshend Audio YouTube videos, Max explains the design and demonstrates the effectiveness of his Seismic isolator. Just do a search for the company name on YouTube, and all the videos will be made available for viewin... 
Tuning Collars on speaker cables - concept and any good?
bkeske96 posts04-28-2020 11:59pmBack in the day, when Simon Rattle and I used to hang of an afternoon, we listened to his early recording and critiqued them on a Bose Wave that he lovedBut how can that be? Simon is one of the world renown conducto... 
Tuning Collars on speaker cables - concept and any good?
TECHNICAL NOTESStealth Tuning CollarsBased on numerous listening sessions with various equipment, a STEALTH “T” cable with a tuning collar in the optimum position, the overall result (sound) is better than with the cable without the collar, BUT – ... 
Renaming The Forum
Real Gon Cats 
SVS Subwoofer Isolation feet. Will I lose bass?
Good illustration of how carpets act as springs. Two spring systems one on top of the other is bad news. It’s like driving down the road in a car with two springs one on top of the other for each wheel.. It will be a very b-b-bumpy ride. 
SVS Subwoofer Isolation feet. Will I lose bass?
It’s par for the course to have more bass than is actually on the recording. Hel-loo! But this is not the 1980s, guys, mc apparently thinks it is. 
SVS Subwoofer Isolation feet. Will I lose bass?
Huffing Clorox again, mc?  
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound?
Cassettes can be pricey, too. The 100 most expensive cassettes are....https://blog.discogs.com/en/top-100-most-expensive-cassettes/ 
SVS Subwoofer Isolation feet. Will I lose bass?
It doesn’t make sense and if it doesn’t make sense it’s probably not true. Now if the sound was less boomy, which one would expect, maybe the guy interpreted that as less output. Who knows? 
SVS Subwoofer Isolation feet. Will I lose bass?
twoleftearsI don’t see why a gizmo designed to impede the *transmission* of bass frequencies would necessarily dampen those frequencies in the room in which they’re being generated. After all, there’s a big difference between the subwoofer’s feet ... 
Tuning Collars on speaker cables - concept and any good?
Gosh, you’d think he’d be deaf. You know, what with all the high decibels.