Responses from geof3
Whats on your turntable tonight? Queen: A Night at the Opera | |
Dedicated AC line - Contractor wants to use BX instead of romex @ngiordano seriously? Wow... got nothin’. | |
Rush - The New Birth Control Hmm, I don’t know? I remember a particular party listing to La Villa Strangiato and a particular girl and I, well, let’s just say, getting a bit “frisky”! | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? RADIOHEAD:Ok Computer | |
Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship? Yeah, missed the “4 hour tour” part... I would definitely be making that drive vs shipping. Not even a question. | |
Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship? As others have said, if it ain’t broke... the cost and brain damage to ship an amp of that size for “cleaning” just isn’t worth it IMO. And, to the above, a “white glove” service will probably cost nearly what the amp is worth. One thing to consid... | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Peter Gabriel: Melt/Three. Newer limited reissue. Sounds great! | |
My conclusion: mid level $$ analog vs digital Popcorn anyone? I’m with jjss49... both can be good in their own right. I prefer my vinyl overall, but my digital stuff gets it done for casual listening. Digital streaming CANNOT be beat for sheer musical exposure, and one of the primary reasons ... | |
Suggestion for Audiogon Forums @edcyn... I kinda think I like Diana Krall’s version better! | |
Suggestion for Audiogon Forums Pretty much everything written on this board is an opinion. Good/bad, experienced/not, etc. The only truly objective info here is when actual numbers of measurements are used (rare). Then the argument ensues whether those objective measurements a... | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Oh, some really good stuff spinning tonight in the group!For me it’s The Tubes: Outside Inside | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Chuck Mangione: Live at the Hollywood Bowl. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Blind Melon: Blind MellonFleetwood Mac: Rumours | |
Decware Line Conditioner - Worth the wait? I had one on order, they look the part and are very well built. I cancelled because of how far backed up they became after I placed my order. I’m generally not very patient. I will order again when things get a little more normal. | |
Beginner Looking For Set Up Advice! Look at Peachtree, though they may be a little over your price quote. The Denon and Marantz would be good choices too. |