

Responses from geared4me

KCI Pure Gold and the benefits
Hey Art, How are the speaker cables coming along? Anyhting you or John would care to tell us about their construction etc.? 
Is there such a thing as...
Do a search for visionfc4. It's pricey but it is suppose to do what you want. 
Where to buy nice audio chairs / loveseats?
Goatwuss, It's actually ekornes that's why. 
A good trade?
It would be best to bring them over to your system for a listen. No one can know better than first hand experience. 
The latest flavour of the month speaker
Curiosity has been known to get the best of me sometimes. I tend to make my own path in general though. I took delivery of some Pioneer S-3EX floorstanders a couple days ago with no buzz on them what-so-ever. They are gorgeous and definitely look ... 
Pioneer EX Speakers
It has been ten months since the last post and I am wondering if anyone has had experience with this line yet, especially the S-3EX? Thanks 
Placement question
Agree with Tvad. Position 2 should give you the best imaging,soundstage,and bass. 
"Budget" cable advice, please
Hey Rebbi, You might want to google the White Lightning diy speaker cables. I have two ten foot lengths that are unterminated that I will mail to you for free if you are interested. You can get some spades or bananas that just screw on for pretty ... 
16K to Spend. Help me make the end all Upgrade.
Used Salon 2s are in your price range and have appeared here several times lately. 
Searching for CD/DVD Player with volume control
Definitely the Oppo 983! 
Review: Daedalus Audio Ulysses Speaker
Lou, Thanks for the explanation. Those are definitely valid points and I certainly appreciate flexability. Will you be showing at RMAF this year? 
Review: Daedalus Audio Ulysses Speaker
Fwinston, Thanks for the quick reply. Maybe Daedalus can chime in with why the speaker wasn't designed with the tweeter at a normal ear level rather than forcing the buyer to also get stands. Looking at it I took it to be a full-range floorstander... 
Review: Daedalus Audio Ulysses Speaker
Sweet dreams are made of these. I can only hope to own a pair in the future. Thanks for the review! Are you using the isolation stands with these or? 
Street Talk / July '08....
I'm right with you on the journey. I have moved increasingly towards all instrumental music,my imagination gets time to play and I can relax easier. As my system has gotten better it has become increasingly harder to hear my wifes voice while I'm ... 
I Feel Overwhelmed....Please Help
You should checkout the ps audio trio c-100 control amp and the oppo dv-983h universal player. This will run you a total of 1500 new with warranty and the value is off the charts! That will leave 1500 for whatever you choose next.