Responses from geared4me
Can I improve tonality and keep room the same? How many hours do you have on those speakers? This is not the only factor,by far,but those speakers will need about 500-600 hours of play for the tweeter to smooth out and the bass to develop definition and impact. | |
Get new FM receiver or better antenna? I agree with Rar1 and would also suggest the sony xdrf1hd. I am using this tuner and it is surprisingly good. It is also very small and gets hd radio,just a bonus,as the fm reception is great. | |
Need help re Quad 909 Binding Posts I used locking bananas to great effect when I had this amp,just pop out the safety plugs. The trick will be figuring out how to get inside of the thing. | |
Question I Have Never Seen Before? Definitely Kinkos/Fedex packaging service. They took care of my sound anchors speaker stands that weighed 90 pounds each with no problem at all. | |
NO CES Updates??? From what I heard, the economic downturn has hit the Mustang Ranch pretty hard so they are offering some fantastic group discounts. Don't expect a decent report till monday. | |
PS Audio premier ... any problems? There have been many reports of problems with this unit,mostly on the psa forum. PSA has updated their forum two times recently and most of the threads complaining about the ppp have been lost. What percentage of production units had or have probl... | |
New Sony SCD-XA5400ES sacd player Thanks for that info, what is the confusion about? | |
what kills soundstage depth? You could also play with rake if you haven't yet. Raise the front of the speaker half an inch to start and move it up or down according to what you hear. I haven't listened to a box speaker yet that didn't need some kind of rake adjustment to get ... | |
Review: NSR Sonic Research D3 Sonata Speaker Teajay, Thanks for the additional information. That looks like a very sane and reasonable approach. I hope more people will take the time to check out local manufacturers of quality equipment. | |
Review: NSR Sonic Research D3 Sonata Speaker Hi Teajay, You have an interesting little review here. Let me see if I have this right. You are reviewing a speaker that you listened to in the manufacturers listening room? If this is correct how could you possibly come to any conclusion on the s... | |
MIT AVt 1 speaker cables I'm loving mine also. Did you read my review yet? It may not be the most indepth review out there but it might give you some idea of what to expect. | |
Stealth Hybrid JR speaker cables Bhoage, Thanks for all of that information. That does give me a general idea.AudioFeil, Certainly a good point. I have gone ahead and bought the stealth to try them in my system. I have been using mit avt1 biwire speaker cables and recently starte... | |
Benchmark DAC1 Pre Option 1 should give you the best sound quality. | |
Please recommend hearing protection You could also checkout this site | |
Should I add a separate amp? Has2be really nailed this one. Just kick back and enjoy! |