
Responses from gdnrbob

Looking For Established Person / Company That Repairs & Upgrades Amplifiers in the NY/NJ
Call or PM John Rutan (audioconnection).He won't steer you wrong.Bob 
Equal $$ for Phono OR Streaming?
IMHO,Streaming is going to catch up to analog in the near future.- Just like photography 20 years ago when digital started. Now we have 100mp cameras that out-resolve even large format film.Add to that, having a complete music library at your fing... 
Speaker outriggers
@jmphotography ,There seems to be two  schools of thought when it comes to isolating speakers.One, like millercarbon aludes to uses springs to isolate speaker vibration.(And, I do use the Townshend products under my equipment, though not under my ... 
Best integrated for my purposes - help me choose 1 of 3!
An Ayre AX-7e is 1.5K$B 
Aurender question
Only Qobuz and Tidal. B 
Speaker outriggers
@jmphotography ,I take it your floor isn't level, hence the need to add a washer, is that correct?If so, I would look at something at Herbie's, as it should be in your budget. 
Top down or bottom up? Just asking...
@OP,I can only base my opinion upon what my favorite speaker manufacturer does (Vandersteen).Mr. V's top of the line incorporates the best of the best-Hence the price.But, the technology incorporated into that speaker has trickled down the line in... 
Qobuz vs idagio vs primaphonic
@OP,The Aurender app only supports Qobuz and Tidal- at least it did when I owned my Aurender last year.B 
Router Ethernet Cable to Streamer
@mitch2 ,Nice post.Have you noticed an improvement using the TP Link Converters?Bob 
What 50wpc or higher amps have a totally different sound from Pass Labs, in a good way?
@OP,I own both Ayre and Atmashphere and find them to be very close sound-wise. ( MX-R and MA-1). As you might expect, a little more 'rounder' on the Atma and a bit more 'crisp' on the Ayre.- Which is one of the reasons I would like to compare Pass... 
Open Letter To REL, SVS, Hsu, etc., et al
@big_greg,Good one😎Bob 
Low power- transparency, dimension, dynamics and bass, or...
I listened to a reasonably priced, excellent performing system at Audioconnection.The Vandy VLR's with a Sub 3 powered by a Belles Aria Integrated.-Something that would be within your budget even new.When Johnny installed the AQ William Tell speak... 
Qobuz vs idagio vs primaphonic
I wanted to try Idagio, but it never worked properly on my computer.I did try Primephonic, but I can't remember why I didn't stay with it.I ended up with Qobuz as it has a much better catalog than Tidal(which I used for almost a year, until Qobuz ... 
Do different streamers really sound different when using an external DAC
@sbank ,Great point!I ended up with Innuous-mostly because I can run two systems simultaneously- something most streamers don't offer.But, being able to use either Squeezebox or Roon is a plus.Though I hate paying for software, I think I am going ... 
Which speakers, if any, combine the strengths of Harbeth and ProAc ?
Both very good speaker manufacturers. Unfortunately, your question is dependent upon the listener's ears.For me, the answer is Vandersteen.B