Responses from gdnrbob
Bi Wiring for speakers question +1 Hifiman. Keep it simple Will. The AQ GO 4 is a reasonably priced cable and should not cost a fortune to do a true biwire. Just try to keep the lengths equal and as short as practically possible. And, add a little wiggle room for minor adjustmen... | |
Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers with M5-HP crossovers - help needed @bondmanp That's good to hear. Was the packaging damaged on the amps when you received them?-Like somebody dropped it?If you don't go the double box route, at least have him get some triple wall cardboard boxes. Those Home Depot double wall boxes ... | |
Best Speakers with a DNA-1? @ctsooner ,I think I will consider something like what you described. Now that I am basically using streaming to listen to music, I really don't need a full preamp.Does this Memory Player allow you to use it a DAC, in addition to CD player?B | |
Best Speakers with a DNA-1? @ctsooner ,Why do you need/want the LSA? I haven't heard about these before.And, I think 'McCormicks' might be an ethnic slur. ;) B | |
What other streaming services do you recommend besides Tidal? I use Tidal and Spotify. I really don't notice a significant difference, but Tidal is a bit cleaner sounding. I like Spotify because it has a super inclusive catalog (Tidal is more for contemporary music), and it has an easier interface for findin... | |
Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers with M5-HP crossovers - help needed Hmm, do you think it is worth it? Will the repair cost that much?Knowing how these things play out, I bet UPS will blame the amp builder for not packaging correctly. Though I never had an issue of a box being so roughly treated that the internals ... | |
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo Tomic, you are one lucky guy.-Retired and owning the M-7 amps. Sheesh...Bob ;) | |
Best Speakers with a DNA-1? @offnon57 ,I live on Long Island, too. I suggest contacting John Rutan at Audioconnection(his name here on Agon, too).He sells Vadersteen and is knowledgeable and a great guy to boot.He is in Verona, NJ which isn't too far from the GWB. If you tim... | |
Whole House Mains Wiring -- Ping: Jea48 (Jim) -- & ALL Others for your HELP! @terry9 .God forbid you ever have a leak ;)B | |
Weakest link? Hmm, a toughie.I think both the Schiit preamp and the KEF speakers would be candidates for upgrade.BTW, I love Schiit products. If anything, get one of their DAC's, like a Gungnir or Yggy. Though you could get by with an Ayre Codex, which will do ... | |
Looking for vintage Quad ESL's - or my wife thinks a "shrink" becase she says I'm crazy! I wish I had more room. Quads and Maggie's were always on my list.B | |
Bi Wiring for speakers question There is a consensus that biwire within a single cable is not as much of an improvement as using two separate cables, one for upper range, one for lower range. @elizabeth ,I disagree, respectfully.B | |
Whole House Mains Wiring -- Ping: Jea48 (Jim) -- & ALL Others for your HELP! I wish Audiogon could make a 'Sticky' post, because I think this one is a great candidate.Bob | |
Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers with M5-HP crossovers - help needed @bondmanp ,It sounds like you are doing this the right way.I, too, had my amps worked on and when they came back, I wasn't informed that they had lowered the impedance considerably (like 100K to 20K), so, of course, the M5-HP's needed to be adjust... | |
Comparing Bel Canto and Schiit DACs I have no experience with Bel Canto, but lots with Schiit.The Gungnir is no slouch and comes close to my Ayre Codex.Unfortunately, Schiit Dac's need some time to open up and 15 days is just when it does it's metamorphosis.If I were you, I would le... |