
Responses from gdnrbob

Apollo R + Codex v. different CDP or Ayre QX
Whoo, that is a great move!Do I dare move up to a EX-8? Heck, I still need to find a KX-R....Such are the trials of this 'hobby'Bob 
Another Bi-wiring question: Amp related
As Stringreen suggested, I would call Mr. V and get his take on this. Trust me, you will get a call back the next day. Just have all your information/questions ready, as he can be a bit abrupt.Bob 
Seeking informed recommendations for power cables and interconnects
As a fellow Vandy owner, I think AQ is the best choice for speaker wire.I use the GO-4 double shotgunned to the speaker.I suggest PM-ing John Rutan (audioconnection). He sells Vandersteen and AQ. and knows just about everything stereo. He can give... 
want to ditch my Brooklyn to streamer..thoughts?
@bondmanp ,I tend to use Spotify as it has a super classical catalog and is much more complete than Tidal.Spotify has a nice little tab called Discovery which offer music based on what you have been playing. I find tons of new material using this.... 
Dahlquist DQ10
You really lucked out on those speakers!I wish I had more room, I'd get a pair myself.Bob 
Core Power Technologies
I, too, tried to contact Mark, but got only a recorded message, and no response to my query.Oh well, so much for working with small manufacturers.Lesson learned.B 
Dahlquist DQ10
Good move, I hope you enjoy them.Bob 
Dahlquist DQ10
There is a repair/upgrade available: also sell refurbed speakers, too. (none available at the moment).If they sound okay, I would get them. I remember them when the first came out and still remember how good they sounded.bob 
Apollo R + Codex v. different CDP or Ayre QX
Codex would be a great move, in my opinion, especially if you are thinking of moving to steaming music.I run the Codex with a Bluesound Node and stream Tidal and Spotify. ( I also have the Ayre AX-7e and a pair of Zu Omen Bookshelves. The Vandy Tr... 
Enhancing low frequencies for my system
OP, I would contact a Vandy dealer and have him/her check your setup.If you are near NYC, Johnny Rutan would be the man to ask.I owned the 3a sigs, and the 2w subs and while I never needed super bass, they always sounded full.Bob 
want to ditch my Brooklyn to streamer..thoughts?
If I recall the Brooklyn supports MQA decoding, so it might be better than switching to Bluesound.I own the Bluesound Nodes and like them immensely for wireless connectivity throughout my home. Though the internal DAC is good, using a better DAC-l... 
My Experience with Dave from Audio Doctor NJ
Well, if you want a second opinion, I would contact John Rutan at Audioconnection. He is in Verona, NJ. You can PM him on Agon (audioconnection).B 
Hot Dog! Fidelizer Pro! I love it!
Upgrades to Fidelizer have definitely helped. I would contact  Keetakawee about your concerns.B  
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs
Duh, that was what I was looking at...From what Johnny wrote, I thought the 2wq was a thing of the past.B 
Hot Dog! Fidelizer Pro! I love it!
I agree Fidelizer makes a difference. I am using it with Bluesound to great effect.Bob