Responses from gbmcleod
tube traps didn't help The tube traps DO work, but they need to be placed in the correct places, with the orientation of the seams correctly positioned, and that doesn't happen in an hour's time or so.It has been said that the best place to locate tube traps are in the ... | |
Review: Ridge Street Audio Midnight Silver Edition Interconnect This question is actually in regard to the associated equipment you used in the review.Is the First Sound Presence the Deluxe (current) version, or the older version from around 1996? I'm wanting to determine if I would get the same results with m... | |
Room Treatments added, with negative effects.. Bombaywalla:I assure you that I wasn't suggesting that your advice was incorrect in any way. Consider my comments an addendum to yours, in case Outlier wanted to use Tube Traps. I've seen them placed wrongly in many rooms. Even reviewers install t... | |
Has anyone heard the Shunyata Cables? Nighthawk:I agree with the tonality statement. I have never been that interested in "detail" for its own sake: I'm listening to music, not "sound." It seems to me that there is a great deal of focus on aspects of sound more than on the musical exp... | |
Shunyata King Cobra V1 verses V2 P.S. Gilas, do you mean the original(v1) is more "yin" or "yang"? You've combined both words into "ying" which could be either yin or yang. Which do you mean??? | |
Shunyata King Cobra V1 verses V2 It seems I have a couple of V2s from my copy of the Audiogon emails I have. | |
ASL Hurricane's -- paper-in-oil, verdict? I guess the only way to do that is to trade with someone with the newer version. I, for example, have the newer version, but I couldn't say whether or not it's less "magical" than the original. The likeliest assistance in this case will come from ... | |
Has anyone heard the Shunyata Cables? That IS fascinating, Nighthawk.May I ask what type of music (or musical instruments)you believe to be the most enlightening in determing the rising high end you heard? I tend to use brass, triangles, percussion and higher strings to determine this... | |
Shunyata King Cobra V1 verses V2 Now I'm really fascinated!I did not find the Shunyatas to sound "dark," but the system on the West Coast I had placed the King Cobra into, was, as I said, an Arcam Alpha, which is more a "yang" product. In that system, it did not sound dark at all... | |
Has anyone heard the Shunyata Cables? Grant:Thanks for the clarification. However, I'll note that I did NOT burn my cables in on anything except music. As such, there was no sense of a 'rising high end.' Having said that,I'm curious as to the conditions of Nighthawk's listening sessio... | |
Room Treatments added, with negative effects.. The Tube Traps are very helpful in taming room acoustic problems. I know; I've had 30 of them since 1988, when Stereophile first reviewed them.HOWEVER, you can NOT simply place them and forget them. You must tune them carefully, by moving them alo... | |
Has anyone heard the Shunyata Cables? Hermespan:I also got a pair of the Andromeda speaker cable recently and I find them closer to "invisible" than other cables I've had. What's more, they do not "plane" the textures (as in shave the edge of textures) from instruments, so the instrum... | |
Review: Antique Sound Labs Hurricane Tube amp RWD:What was your impression of your amps at the earliest stages of break in (ie., the first ten hours)? Mine were turned on, literally, 3 hours ago. I re-read Harry's (HP) review, but saw nothing about the stages of break-in (as once was his habi... | |
Hale Rev 3s into lower impedances, I imagine the KSA 50 would deliver something like 100 watts at 4 ohms. That certainly should b enough power in a room that's 13x15, unless you have a 30-foot ceiling!I'm quite sure it would be acceptable, given that power wo... | |
Could This Be Your Next Power Conditioner? where (until the addition is built onto the house) I am planning to situate my stereo system. Not to mention that the dutch barn has good dimensions (10x14x19) and I can acoustically treat it without bothering anyone in the house! I found that Hon... |