
Responses from gbmcleod

Shunyata King Cobra V1 verses V2
Sonti:I might consider the King Cobras, not the Pythons.I sold my King Cobras for financial reasons, but still have the Python. While I like the Python, it is not in the King Cobras class.I can't comment on the Audio Aero player; never heard it. H... 
What does Holographic mean to you?
Interesting takes on "holographic.I would suggest a combination of both imaging and soundstaging for a true re-creation of holographic.There would need to be width, depth and height of the soundstage itself, independent of the "image" factor.There... 
High Level Distortion
...did I mention....isolation???I had originally had the Hurricanes on two platforms hardly isolated enough. I borrowed some Zoethecus amp stands from a dealer, after I'd deduced that the amps might be vibrating and throwing off distortion.Voila! ... 
What makes a sytem "Fast?"
You're kind of asking, what's better in a car, the engine or the tires? Can you go anywhere if either one is malfunctioning??BOTH components contribute. If the preamplifier is slow, the amp cannot recreate information it is not receiving. It's a t... 
A prospective Teres owner with questions
Hi Doug! I'll probably take you up on that! I can't tell you how exciting it was to find out that you were so close to where I live. And on top of that, I only picked your name out of the heaps of Teres names in this thread using intuition. How co... 
A prospective Teres owner with questions
...with the Teres, whichever one I buy. I'm not really looking for an "ultimate" level of sonics. What I'm looking for is a deep level of emotional response to the music I play THROUGH the Teres. And that can't be given to me by ANY component. Onl... 
A prospective Teres owner with questions
So, only the 200 series turntables and higher are "finished," then? I noticed that there are two prices: "Kit" and "Assembled". The "kit" part's been made as clear as that acrylic platter. What else does the "assembled" price include - besides the... 
Anyone listened to the new Mirage Omni 50s or 60s
Just bought a pair today. Set them up pretty casually in the room. W-O-W, can you say soundstage?!?!?!?They make my Hale Rev 3s sound positively congested in imaging and soundstaging. I noted that in the Soundstage review of the 260s, he compared ... 
preamp to go with Plinius 250mk4 and SF Extremas
I can vouch for the First Sound also. Mine just came back less than two weeks ago, completely updated to current specs. While I would never claim it is "The Best," it is certainly a magical preamp. It does, however, take weeks to break in, as I fo... 
High Level Distortion
Thanks, I've taken that approach already. The drivers aren't blown, but it wouldn't likely happen on three speaker systems, in any case. And I have several amps, several speaker systems.However, since then, the harshness seems to have gone, which ... 
Imaging and soundstage
Stehno:Maybe you could put that into plain English for those of us who are equation-challenged.Use an example -- with real numbers, please. This sounds interesting, but I don't 'get' your drift 
Tube Rolling For ASL Hurricanes
Hmmm...I have to disagree with the poster who indicated that one needed to change the stock tubes to get "anywhere near" the performance capabilities of the Hurricanes. They are magnificent as they are: the imaging size of instruments in the back ... 
Best 6SN7 for the money?
You might think about calling Andy at Vintage Tube Services. He will send you tubes to try out. As far as all the opinions, Andy and I spoke today about these tubes. His "take" is that the Tung-Sols are good, but somewhat lighweight; the Sylvanias... 
New Nordost Cable Valkyrja
I tried the Valkyrja cables a month ago. I thought they were quite good. I have Quattro Fils in the system now, and I also have the Shunyata Aries interconnects. The Valkyrja is clearly more transparent, especially from the upper midrange up. Inte... 
Is a cable cooker worth it?
As long as you are aware that it has deleterious effects on some cables.Apparently, it doesn't work well with Shunyata interconnects, per another thread where someone burned in the Aries interconnects on the cable cooker, and it caused a 'rising h...