
Responses from gbart

Low Voltage problem What type PLC use?
If low voltage is indeed the problem, a voltage regulator like those from Furman should solve that issue. Here's a link to the Furman distributor in Hong Kong, Sanecore Audio: 
Low Voltage problem What type PLC use?
If the Hong Kong electrical system standard is anything like that of the UK, with a lower limit of -6%, then 208V is within normal voltage tolerance range. 
* Antonio Forcione & Sabina Sciubba - Meet Me In London (NAIM Records)* B-Tribe - 5* Dead Can Dance - Into The Labyrynth (Mo-Fi reissue)* Dead Can Dance - Spiritchaser (Mo-Fi reissue)* Cassandra Wilson - Glamoured* Sade - Lover's Rock* Keiko M... 
Amp hums in standby mode when TV is on
Jim, I plan on doing a comparison of the blocker at the source of DC versus at the toroid. I could not do a thorough test the other night because I was working with exposed mains connections and wanted to make it quick. I will try again when I hav... 
Isolation Transformer and Subpanel recommendations
I would run a couple of dedicated 20A lines to the listening room, plug in a couple of Torus or Equi=Tech balanced power units and be done with it. I run my main system off a single 20A line, feeding three balanced isolation transformers mounted i... 
Amp hums in standby mode when TV is on
Jim,you asked an interesting question about something I hadn't thought of before. I tried a quick test with a pair of back-to-back caps bypassed by diodes, between a known source of DC offset (400mV) and mains. I connected a toroid transformer tha... 
Amp hums in standby mode when TV is on
Jim, my e-mail address is You forgot the underscore. :) 
Amp Shutting Down, need help
If it were me, by now I would be either trying to get my money back or llooking to sell the amp. Before owning my own house, I lived in an apartment with a single 15A circuit serving the entire place. It does not get worse case than that. I owned ... 
Looking for Silent Fan Cooling f my ARC Tube AMP
Try End PC Noise for a wide selection of quiet fans. I have one I got from them mounted to the back panel of my HT system cabinet running 24/7 and it is inaudible. I power the fan with a 12V wall wart. Two cable boxes in the cabinet alone generate... 
B&K amp parts source
Drjay, the original switch is round, which should make installing a replacement easier, although you may need to do some minor modification to get the new switch to fit. Digi-Key has a selection of 16A 120V round pushbutton switches, and one 20A 1... 
3 preamps with transformer hum, DC on the line?
Jea48, I've been contacted ny Airkitty. He has confirmed that he's checked for all possible sources of hum, including a loose transformer mounting bolt. I'm shipping out a DC blocker to him tomorrow. What do I charge ? Not enough I'm afraid. Its h... 
Dedicated AC Power Line vs. Power Conditioner?
2k95aero, why do you need the power company to drop a separate new line to your house ? The only reason a person would need to do such a thing is if they needed to power a massive audio/video system or home studio, and their existing service drop ... 
Use of isolation transformer
Sabai, which Oyaides did you use ? I use the Oyaide P-004 and C-004 male and IEC plugs in conjunction with the R-1 outlets. They do make a significant improvement. 
Vintage Power Amp vs new age power amp
IMO, the difference between the Emotiva and Marantz may be a toss-up, provided the latter has been recapped, bias and DC offset checked and adjusted, etc., so that the amp is operating at original specs. Vintage Marantz amps are not cheap to acqui... 
Tube Preamp with XLR Sub Out?
Frank Van Alstine offers HT bypass as an option ($50 new/$100 retrofit) on all his preamps. Maybe he can also do a custom XLR sub out for you. Contact the AVA factory.[url][/url]