

Responses from gawdbless

Tom Tom Club-Wordy Rappinghood 12" version.Now you are talking. 
My speakers don't "dissapear"
Its a job for Criss Angel I think. 
Life As I knew in My Audio World Has Ended, Help
The US is arse about face, we have all the luxuries that our EU brethren can only dream about, but we generally have not a lot of time to enjoy our hobbies. In the EU the workers have the time, but not the money. This is really just a 'general' ob... 
The latest flavour of the month speaker
There is something very appealing and cost effective about easily plopping out a cone and plopping in a replacement, if and when the time arrives, or even if one wants to upgrade the driver. The best part about owning these 'lifers' is it is very ... 
The latest flavour of the month speaker
Are jl audio subs a candidate for the flavor? there is nearly always a plethora of them for sale. They are touted as the best so why are they being sold so soon after purchase?On the other hand they maybe to good and the neighbors in the next city... 
Single driver speakers - opinions
'Brines Acoustics' use the Fostex 8" F200a (as well as other cones) in his SD speakers. The F200a is a seriously good cone.The prices are very reasonable. You can buy them fully made or in kit form.I would like to hear a pair of his speakers.http:... 
Rant- Ebay seller and the cost of shipping 1 cd.
Rwwear,Thanks for that info, seems more reasonable than Ebay! 
Rant- Ebay seller and the cost of shipping 1 cd.
This one is similar but not the same.http://cgi.ebay.com/Rock-Follies-New-CD-MSI-MUSIC-2000-SEALED-NR_W0QQitemZ150290635849QQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116 
Rant- Ebay seller and the cost of shipping 1 cd.
The 'Rock Follies' a 70's British series about a female group,funny just checked on Ebay and its not there.Classic Brit rock. 
Rant- Ebay seller and the cost of shipping 1 cd.
Yes the advice given has been good. I am a very conscious buyer for the most part although I will pay over the odds if it is for something that Is 'a must have'. Just not that particular cd, and not at that price. I do go to the local thrift store... 
Rant- Ebay seller and the cost of shipping 1 cd.
Lamcam, of course you are correct, the only thing I have to do everyday is breathe. Do you not think the charges are a little bit excessive? 
Rant- Ebay seller and the cost of shipping 1 cd.
Photon46, It is not a 1 cent auction. It is a 'buy it now' for$8.51 
What about 'be my girl, sally' by the 'Police'?Now where's my pump? 
How can we settle for digital?
Audiophile dude, I am only going by what I have read. Obviously I can't say whether a particular cd will last 1million plays because they to have a difference in material quality (apparently) and also a million x 60minutes means I will be at least... 
Shadorne, nah going to far is Muppets - Mana Mana or Father Abraham and the Smurfs- the smurf song.What David Bowie and the Laughing Gnome?