
Responses from garebear

Good umbilical cords for 2 chasis preamps?
Try Cardas or Purist Audio 
Review: Lucinda Williams "Essence"
I can shorten my is a fantstic disc. I have also seen her in concert and she shines live as well. I have three of her discs and maybe because it is new .."Essence" is my favorite. Also take note that she is now recording with some ve... 
Jeff Rowland or Mark Levinson???
Rowland......that's all I will say. I currenlty own an older but larger Rowland Amp and Pre-amp for the past 8 years and nothing I have listened to has made me sell either of them. Yes,there are amps and pre-amps that are better and more expensive... 
Opinion of Jeff Roland 5 Amp or 7 monos
I have owned a Model 5 amp since 1992 and I have not strayed since. I agree with the Stealth that the 7's are better but only if you plan on driving a heavy load speaker. I have never tried the 5 in a mono block configuration but I may try it some... 
The Cowboy Junkie, anyone???
Pale Sun Cresent Moon is good Black-eyed man is good ...hell there all good....try te new one Open that was just realesed 
Dylan s 60th Birthday.
Dylan is Dylan, if you don't ''get him'' you won't understand him. All I can say, I hope he lives forever, for there is definitely nothing behind him. It is a sad state of affairs when I hear that Eminem ( or whatever he is Marsahll Mathers ) is t... 
Is Wadia back?
I'm trying to sell my Wadia #25,( see my add )to move up to the 27ix. For awhile, they were dead and they are back. Also, if I can't sell my mint 25 ( hint ) I looked into their upgrades, however there is no word on that yet. I'm glad their back a... 
cd spray tweaks?
I have bought their brass weights for my components ( Rowland, Wadia ) and I think I heard a sonic difference. I have also purchased their CD Mikro-Smooth Kit and I think it works. I hope that I'm not destroying my dics with it ! I would appreciat... 
Jeff Rowland amps, any coments?
Be prepared to be seduced, romanced and then you will eventually marry it. At first you might not be sure, should I commit or should I continue to look around. But you will come back and you will stay with them. I own an 'old Model 5 and the Consu...