
Responses from garebear

Football legend Johnny Sample has died
Am I on Audiogon ? .....I must have taken a wrong turn. 
The Cable Company - Wow
I also have worked with them for about 12 years or so.....Steve Aug is brilliant at matching the cables you really need for your system. A very honest company to deal with...they maybe just a few dollars more than what you see listed on Audiogon ,... 
Jim Capaldi RIP.
Terrible news as always with the passing of great musicians especially when it involves people to whom the music really did matter... also, I think your message Ben should be correctd to read ; 1945. 
Wife approval factor?
Now THIS is a great thread and Esoxhntr.....may the God's look down upon us and give us something like that. You just might have something there my man !!!! I love it...where's Slappy on this one !!!! 
Wife approval factor?
A very serious girlfriend of 3 years walked out on me and never came back and asked / told me not to contact her again after I purchased about $3,000 worth of Acoustic Science room treatment stuff. Hey, I needed some help moving the ''tubes'' into... 
Where's Slappy Been Lately ???
Maybe he's got his ''groove'' back on with that somebody special for the holidays and listening to some music !!!! 
Opinion's on XLO's Limited Edition cables
Mejames....thank you. This is a great site, and it serves a definite purpose, but I will never understand why people make comments about items that they have never heard of or have listened to and yet still make a comparison ! Or, make comments ab... 
Virtual Dynamics Power Cords Master Series
Yeaahhhh, I guess that came across wrong. Sorry....I have not purchased this cable, but the VD is in the running and wanted to hear from people who have actually listened to the cable. Liked or disliked it ....didn't mean to offend but it surely c... 
Virtual Dynamics Power Cords Master Series
Thank you gentlemen for your responses....especially the ''build your own '' guy. Some people on Audiogon are a great source to discuss these topics with.....sometimes, the honest opinions are the best. Others should continue to shop at Wal-Mart f... 
Amp suggestions for audiophile virgin
hi I'm italian
AAAAAAhhhhhh forget a-bout dit !!!!! 
Skylan Stands & Speaker Art - Hidden Secrets?
Is this the same Bob Gross of Unity Audio fame ? I bought a pair of his Signature III's in Koa woood and not only were they beautiful to look at but were a very good sounding speaker.....sold them due to DIVORCE ! AAAAArrrgghhhh. If anybody has a ... 
Best excuse for playing loud music?
Because I'm real drunk.... 
New Audiogon Categories?
Keep the site for Audio Equipment only !!!!!!......I don't want it to look like site for Circuit City !!!!!! 
Remembering Jerry might want to check out his guitar ''noodling'' with David Grisman instead ! : ) And yes, Mr. Garcia also loved jazz as does ''Dave Grusin'' You can listen to his noodling with jazz greats like Ornette Coleman and Howard Wales just...