
Responses from garebear

Symposium Ulta Shelf under floor standing speakers - Any Thoughts ?
….thank you geofkait as THAT was more helpful than your other normal rubbish. I currently have everything on HRS platforms and stands and wondering what technology would be best under speakers.  
The Beatles .....
…...thanks Frogman as that does answer my question. Amazing   
The Beatles .....
…….okay I guess that I wasn't clear in my question : If you look back, all of the Beatles music re-issues were all made available on the 9th day of that particular month. For instance, the 50 year anniversary re-issue of The Beatles White Album wi... 
Symposium Ulta Shelf under floor standing speakers - Any Thoughts ?
….well geoffkait you responded as you usually do, answer the question you presented. That would be helpful to all of us.     
Dick's / Dave's picks
I will be receiving my Pacific Northwest box tomorrow and I have heard that the Portland show is really good.   
Need to recap my Classe Audio DR-8 Amps - need suggestions
Jack I will call you out anytime …..especially when you answer an OP's question the way you did which didn't address the original issue or concern. I just see may people do that here for reasons that I still shake my head at. Classe' is not the co... 
Need to recap my Classe Audio DR-8 Amps - need suggestions
…...I had to laugh and my apology to the OP but it happens so often here that I had to say something. Jackd adds his or hers opinion that has nothing to add or do with the OP's question on capping his amps. I owned Classe' gear for years and gs556... 
McIntosh (MC601) amplifier overheating problem
…….I just read this thread as I found it very interesting and informative and I have spoken with Mac dealers and there is pervasive air of arrogance about Mac products. Rightfully so but to a degree that if I were given a glass of Kool Aid I just ... 
Jeff Rowland Design Group
I was a big fan and owned many Rowland amps and pre-amps for a long time and ever since they went to the Class D - Power Correction Mode technology, in my opinion, they lost what one was beautiful sounding gear. Too bad as I was looking at their 6... 
Esoteric C-02x and the Luxaman c-900u pre-amps - your thoughts
I went with the Esoteric C-02x pre-amp and glad that I did.   
…...I would generally agree. The sale of some lower priced ticket items like power cords or lower end priced electronics will move here. Higher priced more boutique items as I have watched here on a daily basis no longer move as fast here on Audio... 
Dick's / Dave's picks
Hello Jafant.....take a listen to it and let me know what you think.   
Dick's / Dave's picks
I just played, but only the fist two disc's, of the '' new '' Dave's Picks #27 .show does that one stink !. I have the all of the ; Dick's Picks, On the Road, and Dave's Pick's offerings, but this one by far is the absolute worst one. The so... 
That and this new format  …. it's very confusing and to me, and is not user friendly. I have given up looking for anything.    
No they don't......not in the least do they matter or make a difference.