
Responses from garebear

Harmonic Resolution Vortex vs HRS Nimbus Couplars and Spacers
Hello Audiogon members  - and yes I am going to kick start this old thread of mine again as Uncle Sam is going to send me some money back on my tax return. I am looking at the HRS Vortex's again and there does not seem to be a lot of press or any ... 
Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously.
Jerry Garcia loved his jazz and you can hear it in his own playing. I am paraphrasing here a bit but I once read where Garcia said something like this  ; " Listening to John Coltrane was like taking a cool cold glass of water ''.  There you have i... 
PS Audio P15 power conditioner vs Accuphase PS 520/530?
……. I have owned both; The Accuphase from a sound standpoint as well as just build quality and parts is just in a different league all together.      
Star Technologies, Sistrum Stands and Audio Points - are they still in busienss ?
Hello Dave and thank you for taking the time out and getting back to me. Thank you also to the fellow Audiogon members who also responded and got me in touch with you. Glad to hear that you are expanding and your product line is also growing. I am... 
Star Technologies, Sistrum Stands and Audio Points - are they still in busienss ?
Damm ; that should read Business.....not a good typist.      
Selling price of Shunyata Python Alpha Helix 1 meter 20 amp Power Cord/Cable
$10.00 and I will pick up the shipping. Send me an email and we will close this deal.     
The Beatles Anniversary issues question .....
Hello NicoTico - ummm yes; very sure. George wrote it and then gave it to Ringo for his solo career. Thank you geoffkait  and if anybody knows where I can get this original from George on a CD format or where it was from, that would be helpful and... 
The Beatles Anniversary issues question .....
Hello Nicotico - you are unfortunately incorrect on that one. The song was written by George who gave it to Ringo and the rest is history. However, there are recorded versions of this song performed by George ( check out YouTube ) in which I have ... 
The Beatles Anniversary issues question .....
Geoffkait…...thank you and have you actually listened to all of them ?  
The Beatles Anniversary issues question .....
Thanks TableJockey but you did not answer my question. I will restate it again ; The only three Beatles Anniversary CD's so far have been ; Sgt. Peppers, The White Album and Abby Road. Somebody please confirm if you know. Thank you    
Does it come down to the mastering quality only??
…….unfortunately ; YES !  
Your Opinion ....merits of a Shunyata Sigma Pwer Cord HC on a LIne conditioner
Hello Mikey  - had an extra cord so I put it on Audiogon to sell.    
Your Opinion ....merits of a Shunyata Sigma Pwer Cord HC on a LIne conditioner
....thank you Ms Elizabeth as your experience is always welcome and useful. I have an aftermarket power cord on my line conditioner now ; I was inquiring on what an opinion would be from someone who actually has a Shunyata Sigma HC in their system... 
Your Opinion ....merits of a Shunyata Sigma Pwer Cord HC on a LIne conditioner
…. I also obviously do not know how to use spell check or type efficiently !  
I remember Jesse Penna today
…….hey, thank YOU REC for your service as well as for your fallen friend. I also posted 2 years ago on this thread for you and your friend since then,  my Dad who was a WW II Vet has passed. Stay well