
Discussions garebear has started

What power cord do you have on your Quattro ????24747
Need your opinion..Ayre 5vex and the McIntosh 35234912
Hey, long time Synergistic Cable owners - question29192
Best String Cheese Incident CD to start with.....21877
Speakers cables that are warm yet detailed........939720
Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????48544104
Anyone tried Shunyata's Antares interconnect yet ?1585615
Kubala-Sosna Cables..... I don't get it ?????3181145
Break In Time..just being on...or music played ?33036
Goldman Audio....Audio Done Right29155
Happy Birthday John Lennon18653
What do you have under your Black Diamomd Racing30084
Help me on a piece of music's art history....22948
Good Power Cord for a BPT Line Conditioner .......55957
Here we go again...Silver vs. Copper on P/C 's44349