
Responses from g_clef

Integrated amp and CD player for the new B&W 805S?
I've also heard the Classe / B&W combo. Was very impressed with the imaging and separation. 
DVD music concerts
The "Strat Pack" is highly recommended. A dedication to the Stratocaster. Gary Moore's version of Red House alone is worth the price of the disc. Brian May and Paul Rodgers do quite a few songs, and Joe Walsh and David Gilmour are excellent too. T... 
One speaker is louder than the other
Have you tried other speakers to see if it's your preamp/amp? It could be a bad tube, or maybe some pots that need cleaned. 
Best sounding cd in your collection
Duke Ellington's Blues in Orbit. Some of the remastered late 50's stuff is incredible. Recorded live music with no overdubs, etc. 
Live Hendrix.....
In the early 80's Reprise issued "The Jimi Hendrix Concerts" a double album set. Very good sound production, and the greatest live Hendrix album(s) or CD I've ever heard. It has an extended version of Stone Free that has arguably the best live gui... 
In What Order Do You Turn On/Off Gear Separates ?
I have a similar problem. I have a Bel Canto power amp that should be left on at all times. I also have a Rotel CD/HDCD player and a modified Dynaco Pas tube preamp that should be turned off. I turn the CD player off, and then when I turn the prea...