Responses from fredrik222
Redundant Internet @erik_squires unless Tmobile has the absolute best coverage where you are at, I wouldn’t go with them. They are very aggressive in their throttling when they think you have used too much. Granted, all carriers throttle, but I have used AT&T, ... | |
Testing Ethernet switch @jeffrey125 low end speakers are low end speakers, but I am always interested in hearing new systems. But going back to your comments on resolving, yours is not a resolving systems, sure expensive DAC, but your speakers are holding your system ba... | |
Testing Ethernet switch @jeffrey125 your speakers are not good. So if you think you have a resolving system, you are truly a lost cause. at least tonywinga has a good system, I have heard those speakers, and while i don’t want them, they are good. Better than mine. You... | |
Testing Ethernet switch @tonywinga owned me? lol, by your own definition you are a clown. 🤡 Post a supporting article that shows that the author has any resemblance of expertise. You cannot. | |
Testing Ethernet switch @jeffrey125 lol, you do not own anything, anybody who even says a thing like that is just a big L in life. your speakers are 5k new, and while I have never heard them, they seem ok-ish in the lo-fi range, certainly not punching up to mid-fi. | |
Testing Ethernet switch @jeffrey125 good riddance, 20k DAC with 5k speakers and 2k amplifier and “I’m done” as a comment really shows that you have nothing to contribute. | |
Testing Ethernet switch @tonywinga again, you are not relevant. You may spend money foolishly, but that doesn’t make you relevant. and again, a clown is a clown, and by your own definition, you are definitely a clown. You have never posted anything supporting your poin... | |
Testing Ethernet switch @cleeds the ignorant don’t know better. | |
Testing Ethernet switch @tonywinga again, you have no relevant experience at all. So, a clown is a clown, by your own definition, you have nothing to back up your claims and you cannot argue anything that I post. Simply put, you are not relevant in a discussion regardin... | |
Testing Ethernet switch @jeffrey125 you are talking about your system, right? Mine is certainly far more resolving that yours, and while it doesn’t matter always, but seems at least 10x more expensive than yours. | |
Testing Ethernet switch @jeffrey125 yeah, actually gaining knowledge is tedious, the majority here never bothered with learning anything about anything. That is very apparent. | |
Testing Ethernet switch @tonywinga here is an article from an industry source: | |
Testing Ethernet switch @cleeds per usual, selective quoting and citing of reference materials to highlight something that isn’t there. But at least you admit I am correct. | |
Testing Ethernet switch @mgrif104 Hans just regurgitates the debunked white paper by John Swenson. unless you buy counterfeit crap from second hand Chinese markers, noise is not a factor in Ethernet, especially not in residential applications. For starters, Ethernet ... | |
Testing Ethernet switch @tonywinga you have no relevant experience or knowledge, yet you have the arrogance to argue facts about a topic you have demonstrated over and over again is far far beyond your comprehension, and then call me a clown. It is absolutely hilarious.... |